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Found 17049 papers in total
The effects of selling packaged goods on inventory decisions
In this paper, we study within a newsboy type modeling framework the common business...
Deriving the properties of linear bilevel programming via a penalty function approach
For the linear bilevel programming problem, we propose an assumption weaker than...
Spatial market policy modeling with goal targets
In this paper we show how the theory of variational inequalities can be applied to the...
Portfolio management in an upstream oil and gas organization
Implementing portfolio management in an organization presents organizational and...
Technological resources and the direction of corporate diversification: Toward an integration of the resource-based view and transaction cost economics
This study considers how a firm's resource base affects the choice of industries into...
Information technology effects on firm performance as measured by Tobin's q
Despite increasing anecdotal evidence that information technology (IT) assets...
Equivalence between different formulations of the linear complementarity problem
One shows that different formulations of the linear complementarity problem (LCP),...
Method of approximate centers for semi-definite programming
The success of interior point algorithms for large-scale linear programming has...
On free variables in interior point methods
Interior point methods, especially the algorithms for linear programming problems, are...
The analyticity of interior-point-paths at strictly complementary solutions of linear programs
This paper investigates the analyticity of certain paths that arise in the context of...
Solving large-scale linear programs by interior-point methods under the MATLAB environment
In this paper, we describe our implementation of a primal–dual...
Monotonicity of primal–dual interior-point algorithms for semidefinite programming problems
We present primal–dual interior-point algorithms with polynomial iteration...
A dual parameterization approach to linear–quadratic semi-infinite programming problems
Semi-infinite programming problems are special optimization problems in which a cost...
Analytical linear inequality systems and optimization
In many interesting semi-infinite programming problems, all the constraints are linear...
The effect of push and pull lot splitting approaches on lot traceability and material handling costs in stochastic flow shop environments
This study evaluates how the procedures followed in splitting job lots on the shop...
A globally convergent primal–dual interior point method for constrained optimization
This paper proposes a primal–dual interior point method for solving general...
Response surface analysis of two-stage stochastic linear programming with recourse
We apply the techniques of response surface methodology to approximate the objective...
Semidefinite relaxation and nonconvex quadratic optimization
In this paper we study the qualitiy of semidefinite relaxation for global quadratic...
Copositive relaxation for general quadratic programming
We consider general, typically nonconvex, Quadratic Programming Problems. The...
Simple assembly line balancing – heuristic approaches
In this paper heuristics for Type 1 and Type 2 of the Simple Assembly Line Balancing...
Approximation algorithms for the capacitated traveling salesman problem with pickups and deliveries
We consider the Capacitated Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickups and Deliveries....
The impact of adding a make-to-order item to a make-to-stock production system
Stochastic Economic Lot Scheduling Problems involve settings where several items need...
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