Dam processes with state dependent batch sizes and intermittent production processes with state dependent rates

Dam processes with state dependent batch sizes and intermittent production processes with state dependent rates

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Article ID: iaor20002483
Country: United States
Volume: 24
Start Page Number: 37
End Page Number: 57
Publication Date: Jan 1996
Journal: Queueing Systems
Authors: , ,

We consider a dam process with a general (state dependent) release rule and a pure jump input process, where the jump sizes are state dependent. We give sufficient conditions under which the process has a stationary version in the case where the jump times and sizes are governed by a marked point process which is point (Palm) stationary and ergodic. We give special attention to the Markov and Markov regenerative cases for which the main stability condition is weakened. We then study an intermittent production process with state dependent rates. We provide sufficient conditions for stability for this process and show that if these conditions are satisfied, then an interesting new relationship exists between the stationary distribution of this process and a dam process of the type we explore here.


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