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Found 17049 papers in total
A cross-validation analysis of neural network out-of-sample performance in exchange rate forecasting
Econometric methods used in foreign exchange rate forecasting have produced inferior...
Optimized crossover for the independent set problem
We propose a knowledge-based crossover mechanism for genetic algorithms that exploits...
A branch-and-price algorithm for the generalized assignment problem
The generalized assignment problem examines the maximum profit assignment of jobs to...
Dynamic hierarchical packing of wireless switches using a seed, repair and replace genetic algorithm
Suppose that items of equipment are to be added to a supply station (e.g., new switch...
The data-correcting algorithm for the minimization of supermodular functions
The Data-Covering (DC) Algorithm is a recursive branch-and-bound type algorithm, in...
Rollout algorithms for combinatorial optimization
We consider the approximate solution of discrete optimization problems using...
The competitive newsboy
We consider a competitive version of the classical newsboy problem – in which a...
General purpose heuristics for integer programming – Part II
In spite of the many special purpose heuristics for specific classes of integer...
Performance-driven layer assignment by integer linear programming and path-constrained hypergraph partitioning
Performance-driven physical layout design is becoming increasingly important for both...
A genetic algorithm for the multiple-choice integer program
We present a genetic algorithm for the multiple-choice integer program that finds an...
Probabilistic analysis of a generalized bin packing problem and applications
We give a unified probabilistic analysis for a general class of bin packing problems...
A minimal algorithm for the 0–1 knapsack problem
Several types of large-sized 0–1 Knapsack Problems (KP) may be easily solved,...
Upper bounds and algorithms for hard 0–1 knapsack problems
It is well-known that many instances of the 0–1 knapsack problem can be...
New second-order bounds on the expectation of saddle functions with applications to stochastic linear programming
This paper develops new bounds on the expectation of a convex–concave saddle...
Multigroup discriminant analysis using linear programming
In this paper we introduce a nonparametric linear programming formulation for the...
Understanding linear programming modeling through an examination of the early papers on model formulation
We use the models of cognitive psychology and the early literature on linear...
A heuristic for estimating nadir criterion values in multiple objective linear programming
In this paper we further investigate the problem of finding nadir criterion values...
A tabu search heuristic procedure for solving the transportation problem with exclusionary side constraints
A new heuristic procedure for the transportation problem with exclusionary side...
Improved large-step Markov chain variants for the symmetric TSP
The large-step Markov chain (LSMC) approach is the most effective known heuristic for...
Combinatorial optimization by dynamic contraction
A heuristic optimization methodology, Dynamic Contraction (DC), is introduced as an...
A dynamic subgradient-based branch-and-bound procedure for set covering
We discuss a branch and bound algorithm for set covering, whose centrepiece is a new...
Solid waste management system analysis with air pollution and leachate impact limitations
Conventional location/allocation models for solid waste management usually focus on...
Dynamic programming strategies for the traveling salesman problem with time window and precedence constraints
The Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Window and Precedence Constraints (TSP-TWPC)...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the symmetric generalized traveling salesman problem
We consider a variant of the classical symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem in which...
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