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Found 17049 papers in total
The covering tour problem
The Covering Tour Problem (CTP) is defined on a graph G = ( V ∪ W, E ),...
An approximation algorithm for the traveling salesman problem with backhauls
The Traveling Salesman Problem with Backhauls (TSPB) is defined on a graph G =...
Partitioning customers into service groups
We explore the issues of when and how to partition arriving customers into service...
Exponential approximations for tail probabilities in queues. 2. Sojourn time and workload
We continue to focus on simple exponential approximations for steady-state tail...
The departure process of the GI/G/1 queue and its MacLaurin series
In this paper, we study the departure process of the GI/G/ 1 queue. We develop a...
Adaptive routing on the plane
Demands for service arrive at random times, in random locations, in a region of the...
Stationary-process approximations for the nonstationary Erlang loss model
In this paper we consider the M(t)/G/s/0 model, which has s servers in parallel, no...
A transform-free approximation for the finite capacity M/G/s queue
This paper develops a transform-free approximation for the steady-state queue-length...
The impact of setup times on the performance of multiclass service and production systems
We characterize the impact of the means and distributions of setup times in polling...
An approximation method for the analysis of GI/G/1 queues
We study in this paper an approximation method for the calculation of various...
Performance decay in a single server exponential queueing model with long range dependence
We discuss how long-range dependence can influence the characteristics of a single...
Instability of the join-the-shortest-queue and FCFS policies in queuing systems and their stabilization
We demonstrate the instability of the ‘join-the-shortest-queue’ routing...
Numerical solution of piecewise-stationary Mt/G(t)/1 queues
We develop an algorithm for computing the (exact) cumulative distribution function of...
Asymptotically optimal routing and service rate allocation in a multiserver queueing system
We consider a single stage queueing system with c heterogeneous servers. Customers...
Multiclass queueing systems in heavy traffic: An asymptotic approach based on distributional and conservation laws
We propose a new approach to analyze multiclass queueing systems in heavy traffic...
Polling models with and without switchover times
We consider two different single-server cyclic polling models: (i) a model with zero...
The Q-NET method for re-entrant queueing networks with priority disciplines
This paper is concerned with the estimation of performance measures of two priority...
Optimal control of a multiclass, flexible queueing system
We consider a general class of queueing systems with multiple job types and a flexible...
Waiting and interdeparture times in priority queues with Poisson- and general-arrival streams
This paper presents new results for the interdeparture time distributions in...
Equilibrium threshold strategies: The case of queues with priorities
Multiplicity of solutions is typical for systems where the individual’s tendency...
Combined multiple recursive random number generators
We analyze the random number generators obtained by combining two or more multiple...
Simulation-based optimization with stochastic approximation using common random numbers
The method of Common Random Numbers is a technique used to reduce the variance of...
A data envelopment analysis framework to assess the efficiency of the software requirements capture and analysis process
In this paper a theoretical framework to assess the efficiency of the Requirements...
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