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A comparison of mixed integer programming and fast simulated annealing for optimizing beam weights in radiation therapy
Langer M.
Two competing methods for assigning intensities to radiation treatment beams were...
The scheduling of magistrates to courts: A new look
Chukwu Walford I.E.
An alternative solution procedure to an original problem of Wilson of scheduling...
On the accuracy of statistical procedures in Microsoft Excel 97
McCullough B.D.
The reliability of statistical procedures in Excel are assessed in three areas:...
Metaheuristics for a flexible assembly system design problem
Jacobson Sheldon H.
Flexibility has become an important priority in the formulation and implementation of...
The use of a neural factory to investigate the effect of product line width on manufacturing performance
Swamidass Paul M.
The dual goals of this study are: (1) to develop an empirically valid neural model of...
Cellular manufacturing: A statistical review of the literature (1965–1995)
Cheng Ching-Hsue
This paper is both an extension and an expansion of two earlier studies concerned with...
A tire production scheduling system for Bridgestone/Firestone off-the-road
Degraeve Zeger
We describe a scheduling system for the curing operation at Bridgestone/Firestone...
Enforcement or treatment? Modeling the relative efficacy of alternatives for controlling cocaine
Caulkins J.P.
This paper presents a model that estimates the relative cost-effectiveness of four...
Comparison of some suboptimal control policies in medical drug therapy
Lovejoy W.S.
In drug therapy, efficient dosage policies are needed to maintain drug concentrations...
The internalization of exports: Firm- and location-specific factors in a middle-income country
Campa Jos Manuel
Firms make strategic choices about foreign market access on the basis of location...
Order release and product mix coordination in a complex printed circuit board manufacturing line with batch processes
Loulou Richard
In this paper, we study the role of order releases and product mix coordination in a...
Control of an assembly system with processing time and subassembly-type uncertainty
Duenyas Izak
We address the problem of controlling an assembly system in which the processing times...
Lot-sizing for substitutable, production-to-order parts with random functionality yields
Gerchak Yigal
A variety of manufacturing processes produce parts that have multiple functionalities...
Allocating production capacity among multiple products
Glasserman Paul
We consider the problem of allocating production capacity among multiple items,...
On the characterization and measure of machine cells in group technology
Ng S.M.
Group technology plays an important role in the design of an automated manufacturing...
Optimal dynamic scheduling policy for a make-to-stock production system
Ha Albert Y.
This paper considers the dynamic scheduling problem of a single-server, make-to-stock...
Computational evaluation of hierarchical production control policies for stochastic manufacturing system
Sethi Suresh P.
This paper is concerned with near-optimal control of manufacturing systems consisting...
Workforce planning in mixed model assembly systems
Lee C.Y.
Serial assembly systems are formed by arranging several production cells or stations...
Optimal control of a single stage production system subject to random process shifts
Shanthikumar J. George
We consider a single stage production system with Poisson demand and exponential...
A generic model to solve tactical planning problems in flexible manufacturing systems
Erkip Nesim
This paper is an attempt to develop a generic modeling framework that addresses...
Representing the material handling system in tractable queuing network models of flexible manufacturing systems: A workload data aggregation approach
Almeida David de
This paper deals with the use of queueing network (QN) models for quantitatively...
The effects of scheduling rules and routing flexibility on the performance of a random flexible manufacturing system
Mosier Charles T.
The increased use of flexible manufacturing systems to efficiently provide customers...
Capacity allocation for dynamic process improvement with quality and demand considerations
Moskowitz Herbert
Management of process improvement activities is an essential part of the manufacturing...
The effects of learning, forgetting, and relearning on decision rule performance in multiproject scheduling
Ash R.
Product development occurs in multiproject environments where preemption is often...
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