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Found 17049 papers in total
94%-effective policies for a two-stage serial inventory system with stochastic demand
A two-stage inventory system is considered where Poisson demand occurs at Stage 1, and...
Heuristic computation of periodic-review base stock inventory policies
We study the problem of determining production quantities in each period of an...
Selecting T for a periodic review inventory model with staggered deliveries
Consider a single-item, periodic review, infinite-horizon, undiscounted, inventory...
What's experience got to do with it? Sources of cost reduction in a large specialty chemicals producer
Conventional learning curves relating unit cost to measures of production experience...
Sequence-dependent scheduling at Baxter International
We solved Baxter International's IV (intravenous) systems production scheduling as a...
Sustaining technology leadership can require both cost competence and innovative competence
Some firms, particularly in high-tech, appear to view technology leadership and cost...
Lagrangian solution of maximum dispersion problems
We address the so-called maximum dispersion problems where the objective is to...
Option methods for incorporating risk into linear capacity planning models
Manufacturing and service operations decisions depend critically on capacity and...
Discrete equal-capacity p-median problem
This paper examines the discrete equal-capacity p -median problem that seeks to locate...
A graph-theoretic decomposition of the job shop scheduling problem to achieve scheduling robustness
In this paper we study the weighted tardiness job-shop scheduling problem, taking into...
A simple heuristic for m-machine flow-shop and its applications in routing–scheduling problems
We consider the routing–scheduling version of the flow-shop problem, where n...
A product and process selection model with multidisciplinary environmental considerations
Introduction of product designs and process innovation requires a company to evaluate...
Stochastic scheduling on parallel machines subject to random breakdowns to minimize expected costs for earliness and tardy jobs
This paper addresses a stochastic scheduling problem in which a set of independent...
Dynamics of two- and three-worker ‘bucket brigade’ production lines
We describe all possible asymptotic behavior of ‘bucket brigade’...
A learning algorithm for discrete-time stochastic control
A simulation-based algorithm for learning good policies for a discrete-time stochastic...
Approximating an optimal production policy in a continuous flow line: Recurrence and asymptotic properties
This work is concerned with manufacturing systems with two failure-prone tandem...
The changeover scheduling problem with time and cost considerations: Analytical results and a forward algorithm
In a multiproduct, discrete-item manufacturing environment, it is often more...
Optimal (τ,T) opportunistic maintenance of a k-out-of-n:G system with imperfect preventive maintenance and partial failure
The opportunistic maintenance of a k -out-of- n :G system with imperfect preventive...
A simple approach to the product rate variation problem via axiomatic methods
New simple solutions are provided for minimizing the variation of production rates in...
Improving manufacturing performance through process change and knowledge creation
A model is introduced to guide a profit maximizing firm in its quest to enhance...
Optimal pricing strategy for new products
Robinson and Lakhani initiated a long research stream in marketing when they used the...
Optimal dynamic pricing for perishable assets with nonhomogeneous demand
We consider a dynamic pricing model for selling a given stock of a perishable product...
The importance of power-tail distributions for modeling queueing systems
Power-tail distributions are those for which the reliability function is of the form x...
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