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Found 17049 papers in total
System optimum, stochastic user equilibrium, and optimal link tolls
Previous studies have shown that the Wardropian system optimum may not necessarily be...
Heavy traffic analysis of the dynamic stochastic inventory-routing problem
We analyze three queueing control problems that model a dynamic stochastic...
Parallel tabu search for real-time vehicle routing and dispatching
An abundant literature about vehicle routing and scheduling problems is available in...
Multimodal express package delivery: A service network design application
The focus of this research is to model and solve a large-scale service network design...
The effects of trailer scheduling on the layout of freight terminals
Supervisors in a less-than-truckload freight terminal establish material flows inside...
Alternative approaches for real-time estimation and prediction of time-dependent Origin–Destination flows
This paper examines two different approaches for real-time estimation/prediction of...
A linear programming model for the single destination system optimum dynamic traffic assignment problem
Recently, Daganzo introduced the cell transmission model — a simple approach for...
Adaptive labeling algorithms for the dynamic assignment problem
We consider the problem of dynamically routing a driver to cover a sequence of tasks...
On the value of optimal myopic solutions for dynamic routing and scheduling problems in the presence of user noncompliance
The most common approach for modeling and solving routing and scheduling problems in a...
Dynamic routing for priority shipments in less-than-truckload service networks
Currently, less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers route both the regular and the priority...
Stochastic vehicle routing problem with restocking
In this paper, a stochastic vehicle routing problem is considered. In particular,...
A new heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows
The aim of this paper is to present a new heuristic method for the Traveling Salesman...
The berth planning problem
Singapore has one of the busiest ports in the world. Berth planning is one of the...
Decomposition of a combined inventory and time constrained ship routing problem
In contrast to vehicle routing problems, little work has been done in ship routing and...
A maritime global route planning model for hazardous materials transportation
We consider the strategic level routing problem of hazardous materials in marine...
Ship routing through altimetry-derived ocean currents
We investigate the potential of strategic ship routing through dynamic currents...
OR helps the poor in a controversial irrigation project
In 1991, the World Bank was forced to appoint a team to conduct an independent review...
Extended-enterprise supply-chain management at IBM personal systems group and other divisions
In 1994, IBM began to reengineer its global supply chain. It wanted to achieve quick...
The efficiency–quality trade-off of cross-trained workers
Does cross-training workers allow a firm to achieve economies of scale when there is...
Stock replenishment and shipment scheduling for vendor-managed inventory systems
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a supply-chain initiative where the supplier is...
Management of worksharing systems
Worksharing occurs in serial manufacturing when machines are not uniquely assigned to...
Quantifying the bullwhip effect in a simple supply chain: The Impact of forecasting, lead times, and information
An important observation in supply chain management, known as the bullwhip effect,...
A supplier's optimal quantity discount policy under asymmetric information
In the supply-chain literature, an increasing body of work studies how suppliers can...
Disclosure detection in multivariate categorical databases: Auditing confidentiality protection through two new matrix operators
As databases grow more prevalent and comprehensive, database administrators seek to...
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