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Found 17049 papers in total
Real-time optimization of containers and flatcars for intermodal operations
We propose a dynamic model for optimizing the flows of flatcars that considers...
Improved empty freight car distribution
In this paper we consider the problem of distributing empty freight cars in a railway...
A tactical decision support system for empty railcar management
In this paper, we present a tactical model to assist in the task faced by the railroad...
Constructing railroad blocking plans to minimize handling costs
On major domestic railroads, a typical general merchandise shipment may pass through...
Modeling train delays in urban networks
The reliability of urban passenger trains is a critical performance measure for...
Railway timetabling using Lagrangian relaxation
We present a novel optimization approach for the timetabling problem of a railway...
Models and algorithms for container allocation problems on trains in a rapid transshipment shunting yard
Multimodal transport of containers can be an alternative to the road transportation...
A survey of optimization models for train routing and scheduling
The aim of this paper is to present a survey of recent optimization models for the...
A mathematical programming approach for the solution of the railway yield management problem
Railway passenger transportation plays a fundamental role in Europe, particularly in...
Network-optimized road pricing: Part I: A parable and a model
Part I of a two-part series, this paper recites a parable and formulates a stochastic...
Network-optimized road pricing: Part II: Algorithms and examples
The conclusion of a two-part series, this paper devises an algorithm that finds a...
Dynamic pricing in retail gasoline markets
Supergame models of tacit collusion show that supportable price-cost margins increase...
Modeling vehicular traffic flow using M/G/c/c state dependent queueing models
In this paper, M/G/c/c state dependent queueing models are proposed for modeling and...
The traffic equilibrium problem with nonadditive path costs
In this paper we present a version of the (static) traffic equilibrium problem in...
An exact algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls is an extension of the capacitated Vehicle...
Queue spillovers in transportation networks with a route choice
This paper explores some of the traffic phenomena that arise when drivers have to...
A probabilistic approach to evaluate strategies for selecting a parking space
Upon entering the parking lot of a facility, a driver must select a parking space....
Dynamic control of logistics queueing networks for large-scale fleet management
Dynamic fleet management problems are normally formulated as networks over dynamic...
Performability of a congested urban transportation network when accident information is available
This paper presents a framework to assess a performability measure in an urban...
Formulation and estimation of combined network equilibrium models with applications to Stockholm
Combined network equilibrium models of trip distribution, modal split, and route...
Simple decentralized feedback strategies for route guidance in traffic networks
The paper presents a feedback route guidance strategy for complex, meshed traffic...
Optimization of area traffic control for equilibrium network flows
A bilevel programming approach is used to tackle an optimization problem for area...
Human judgement and analytical derivation of ride quality
Questions concerning when a road ceases to serve the public well or has failed are...
Objectives and benchmarks for kinetic theories of vehicular traffic
Criticisms and accomplishments of the Prigogine–Herman kinetic theory are...
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