Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
A fixed interval ordering policy for joint optimization of age replacement and spare part provisioning
A new policy is presented for the joint optimization of age replacement and spare...
The US Army National Guard's mobile training simulators location and routing problem
For training National Guard units, the U.S. Army National Guard will field 21 combat...
A discrete-in-time probabilistic inventory model for deteriorating items under conditions of permissible delay in payments
An inventory model is developed for items that deteriorate continuously in time when...
A proof of the economic order quantity formula using quasi-variational inequalities
A rigorous proof of the classical EOQ formula is provided using the method of...
A lot-size model with partial backlogging when the amount received is uncertain for deteriorating items
In most of the existing economic lot-size models, the demand during the stockout...
Structural properties of an inventory system with deterioration and trended demand
An order-level inventory model for deteriorating items is developed under the...
Estimating managerial efficiency: The case of college basketball coaches
Data envelopment analysis, a linear programming technique, is used to estimate an...
Play calling strategy in American football: A game-theoretic stochastic dynamic programming approach
This manuscript presents a model to assist in the determination of optimal American...
A punt returner location problem
We formulate and solve a location problem that determines where to position punt...
On an inventory model with two levels of storage and stock-dependent demand rate
An order-level inventory model is developed by assuming that the demand rate is...
On capital investment
We deal with the problem of making capital investments in machines for manufacturing a...
A cutting-plane procedure for maximizing revenues in yield management
A graph-theory approach for allocating seats and setting optimal prices in an...
Optimal allocation of investments for a desired economic growth
The results of a study to determine the optimal distribution of investments in each...
Air Transat uses ALTITUDE to manage its aircraft routing, crew pairing, and work assignment
Air Transat operates charter flights to vacation spots. In 1993, it had an opportunity...
An analysis of the operations efficiency of major airports in the United States
Recently, considerable attention has been focused on the performance of various...
Configuring layout for a cellular manufacturing system
This paper addresses the layout configuration problems of a complex cellular...
Competition and price dispersion in the United-States airlines industry
We study dispersion in the prices an airline charges to different passengers on the...
Interfirm rivalry and firm-specific price elasticities in deregulated airline markets
This paper examines the pattern of a firm's pricing rivalry and its associated price...
On the airline schedule perturbation problem caused by the ground delay program
The ground delay program is one of several programs that the Federal Aviation...
Flight string models for aircraft fleeting and routing
Given a schedule of flight legs to be flown by an airline, the fleet assignment...
An approximate model and solution approach for the long-haul crew pairing problem
The crew pairing problem requires the coverage of a set of long-haul flights by a...
The operational airline crew scheduling problem
This paper describes the operational airline crew scheduling problem and represents a...
The preferential bidding system at Air Canada
This paper describes the Preferential Bidding Problem solved in the airline industry...
Combinatorial issues in air traffic optimization
The current airway network used by aircraft is composed of a set of segments that...
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