Models and algorithms for container allocation problems on trains in a rapid transshipment shunting yard

Models and algorithms for container allocation problems on trains in a rapid transshipment shunting yard

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Article ID: iaor2001854
Country: United States
Volume: 32
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 370
End Page Number: 379
Publication Date: Nov 1998
Journal: Transportation Science
Authors: ,
Keywords: containers

Multimodal transport of containers can be an alternative to the road transportation but it needs to be competitive in terms of quality of service and price. In rail–rail container terminals, new techniques are developed to facilitate rapid transfers of the containers between trains. In this article, we address the problem of the optimization of the operations management of rapid rail–rail transshipment shunting yards. We are interested specifically in the optimization of containers allocation on trains (for the initial loading and their reloading after transshipment). We have developed a class of models with different levels of complexity and realism and we have proposed optimal and heuristic methods to solve them. The experimental results on realistic datasets are very promising in terms of the minimization of the container moves in a terminal as well as the use and sizing of the handling equipment.


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