Optimal assignment of high multiplicity flight plans to dispatchers

Optimal assignment of high multiplicity flight plans to dispatchers

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Article ID: iaor20011796
Country: United States
Volume: 47
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 359
End Page Number: 376
Publication Date: Aug 2000
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: ,
Keywords: combinatorial analysis, transportation: air

This paper addresses the problem of finding a feasible schedule of n jobs on m parallel machines, where each job has a deadline and some jobs are preassigned to some machine. This problem arises in the daily assignment of workload to a set of flight dispatchers, and it is strongly characterized by the fact that the job lengths may assume one out of k different values, for small k. We prove the problem to be NP-complete for k = 2 and propose an effective implicit enumeration algorithm which allows efficiently the solution of a set of real-life instances.


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