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Strategic information systems planning: Planning system dimensions, internal coalignment, and implications for planning effectiveness
Grover V.
Improving strategic information systems planning (SISP) remains a critical concern of...
An instrument for assessing the organizational benefits of IS projects
Lederer Albert L.
This paper reports the development of an instrument to measure the organizational...
Using Davis's perceived usefulness and ease-of-use instruments for decision making: A confirmatory and multigroup invariance analysis
Doll W.J.
As key components of Davis's technology acceptance model (TAM), the perceived...
The relationship between information system planning sophistication and information system success: An empirical assessment
Sabherwal R.
Literature on information systems (IS) planning implicitly assumes that a...
A comparative study of cell formation techniques: Experimental findings on data-dependency and solution quality
Park Y.T.
A large number of techniques for solving the cell formation problem has emerged in...
Will a risk-averse decision maker ever really prefer an unfair gamble?
Horowitz I.
Prakash et al. purport to show that with sufficient preference for positive skewness,...
Will a risk-averse decision maker ever really prefer an unfair gamble?
Prakash A.J.
The comments of Horowitz (previous abstract) on the Prakash, et al. paper are...
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, second edition
McNaught Ken
Structuring conflict in individual, face-to-face, and computer-mediated group decision making: Carping versus objective devil's advocacy
Valacich J.S.
Researchers and practitioners have long been interested in the effects of cognitive...
The impact of a structured-argument approach on group problem formulation
Niederman F.
Despite advances in decision analysis and decision support systems, few formulaic...
Understanding the participation of critical task specialists in strategic decision making
Ashmos D.P.
This paper explores the role of critical task specialists in strategic decision making...
A simulation of partial information use in decision making: Implications for decision support systems design
Karim A.S.
Information matrices are often the output produced by a decision support system. These...
Effect of level of disaggregation on conjoint cross validations: Some comparative findings
Krieger A.M.
Early formulations of conjoint models focused on part-worth estimation at the...
Exact and heuristic solutions for a shipment problem with given frequencies
Ukovich Walter
We consider the problem of shipping several products from an origin to a destination...
The efficacy of neural networks in predicting returns on stock and bond indices
Desai V.S.
This paper uses two recently developed tests to identify neglected nonlinearity in the...
Setting tolerable misstatements when auditing aggregated accounts
Swink M.
Generally accepted auditing standards require auditors to plan audits of clients'...
Critical success factors for strategic alliances in the information technology industry: An empirical study
Rai A.
Intense competition in the marketplace is forcing organizations to examine different...
Market information and firm performance
Raju Jagmohan S.
The value of new information depends on how accurate the information is, but it may...
Incorporating price and replacement purchases in new product diffusion models for consumer durables
Mesak H.I.
The article presents theoretical and empirical research findings which incorporate...
Manufacturing strategy: Testing the cumulative model in a multiple country context
Noble M.A.
This study statistically tests the cumulative model for the building of manufacturing...
Xilinx improves its semiconductor supply chain using product and process postponement
Lee Hau L.
The semiconductor firm Xilinx uses two different postponement strategies: product...
Dynamic economic lot size model with perishable inventory
Hsu Vernon Ning
This paper considers an economic lot size (ELS) model for perishable products where an...
Optimal and heuristic solutions for the multi-item newsvendor problem with a single capacity constraint
Erlebacher Steven J.
This research considers a multi-item newsvendor problem with a single capacity...
The inverse newsvendor problem: Choosing an optimal demand portfolio for capacitated resources
Carr Scott
The classical newsvendor problem is one of optimally choosing a level of capacity to...
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