Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
The simplex algorithm for multicommodity networks
We consider multicommodity network flow problems, where external flow is allowed to...
Stock trading: An optimal selling rule
Trading in stock markets consists of three major steps: select a stock, purchase a...
Minimax inverse problems of minimum cuts
Let G = (N, A) be a directed graph of n nodes and m arcs with an upper bound u ∈...
A new heuristic for the quadratic assignment problem
We propose a new heuristic for the solution of the quadratic assignment problem. The...
Student consulting projects benefit faculty and industry
Student consulting projects require students to apply OR/MS tools to obtain insight...
Building relationships between universities and businesses: The case at Columbia Business School
The outreach programs of the Deming Center at Columbia Business School take much more...
GOALI: A National Science Foundation university–industry liaison program
A major objective of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is to improve the nation's...
In search of strategic operations research/management science
We define strategic OR/MS as ‘OR/MS work that leads to a sustainable competitive...
Deterministic radio broadcasting at low cost
We consider distributed deterministic broadcasting in synchronous radio networks. A...
From revenue management concepts to software systems
In 1999, after developing and installing over 170 revenue management (RM) systems for...
Considerations in order picking zone configuration
In today's competitive global economy, the focus is on faster delivery of small more...
An examination of the effects of balanced budget laws on state borrowing costs
This study investigates the relationship between different levels of state balanced...
Institutional structures utilized in state revenue forecasting
Approaches taken by states in their revenue forecasting are extremely diverse. This...
Toward a more ethical system of state and local government retirement funding
The deferred nature of retirement benefits provides public officials with a means of...
Budgeting structures and citizen participation
This paper reviews the literature concerning when and in what way citizen...
Beyond the public hearing: Citizen participation in the local government budget process
This study explores the use and effects of citizen participation in city budgeting....
The utilization and effectiveness of citizen advisory committees in the budget process of local governments
This paper examines the role of citizen budget advisory committees in local government...
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