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Found 17049 papers in total
Combinatorial landscapes
Fitness landscapes have proven to be a valuable concept in evolutionary biology,...
Interior methods for nonlinear optimization
Interior methods are an omnipresent, conspicuous feature of the constrained...
A dynamic programming algorithm for the optimal control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes
A piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDP) is a continuous time Markov process...
Learning algorithms for Markov decision processes with average cost
This paper gives the first rigorous convergence analysis of analogues of Watkins's...
Perfect packing theorems and the average-case behavior of optimal and online bin packing
We consider the one-dimensional bin packing problem under the discrete uniform...
Linear programming formulation for optimal stopping problems
Optimal stopping problems for continuous time Markov processes are shown to be...
Statistical computing and graphics. Let's practice what we preach: Turning tables into graphs
Statisticians recommend graphical displays but often use tables to present their own...
Displays for direct comparison of ARIMA models
The series of graphs presented here, based on standard time series diagnostics and...
Using the fuzzy clustering algorithm for the allocation of students
It is a common practice to allocate students from certain subjects into different...
Designing a call center with impatient customers
The most common model to support workforce management of telephone call centers is the...
Multi-reservoir design using Pontryagin principle
Several successful applications of optimal control theory (OCT) based on the...
Dynamic optimal ground water remediation including fixed and operation costs
In time-varying ground water remediation, the lack of an optimal control algorithm to...
Reservoir operation using grey fuzzy stochastic dynamic programming
This paper presents an optimal regulation programme, grey fuzzy stochastic dynamic...
The impact of design approximations on the operational performance of an irrigation scheme: A case study in Malaysia
A method is presented to analyse the impact of the selection of the size of irrigation...
Coordination and flexibility in supply contracts with options
We investigate the role of options (contingent claims) in a buyer–supplier...
Random Graphs
Optimal allocation of electronic content
The delivery of large files to individual users, such as video on demand or...
A comparative analysis of several formulations for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem
This article describes eight formulations for the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree...
A linear-size zero–one programming model for the minimum spanning tree problem in planar graphs
A new linear zero–one programming model is presented for the problem of finding...
Balanced network flows. VII. Primal–dual algorithms
We discuss an adaptation of the famous primal–dual 1-matching algorithm to...
On multiroute maximum flows in networks
Let G = (N, A) be a network with a designated source node s , a designated sink node t...
Modeling information assurance: An application
The ever-increasing speed of information systems allows decision-makers around the...
Representing trees using Microsoft doughnut charts
Trees are widely used to represent and solve problems in Bayesian statistics, risk...
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