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Found 17049 papers in total
Predicting the equity premium with dividend ratios
Our paper suggests a simple, recursive residuals (out-of-sample) graphical approach to...
A MINSAT approach for learning in logic domains
This paper describes a method for learning logic relationships that correctly classify...
Relational embeddedness and learning: The case of bank loan managers and their clients
As a complement to the literature on learning in firms, we investigate learning in...
A relational view of information seeking and learning in social networks
Research in organizational learning has demonstrated processes and occasionally...
Interdependence and adaptability: Organizational learning and the long-term effect of integration
A growing body of research documents the role that organizational learning plays in...
Who's really sharing? Effects of social and expert status on knowledge exchange within groups
The study investigated the effects of social status and perceived expertise on the...
Valuing internal vs. external knowledge: Explaining the preference for outsiders
This paper compares how managers value knowledge from internal and external sources....
Interruptive events and team knowledge acquisition
Interruptions have commonly been viewed as negative and as something for managers to...
Learning negotiation skills: Four models of knowledge creation and transfer
Our review of the learning and training literature revealed four common methods for...
Managing knowledge in organizations: An integrative framework and review of emerging themes
In this concluding article to the Management Science special issue on ‘Managing...
The reliability of an object with semi-Markov failure rate
In this paper the properties of the reliability function of an object with the failure...
Model of hypercompetition
A dynamic model of hypercompetition is developed through the specification of...
Performance impacts of information technology: Is actual usage the missing link?
The relationship between investment in information technology (IT) and its effect on...
Balancing search and stability: Interdependencies among elements of organizational design
We examine how and why elements of organizational design depend on one another. An...
Cultural conflict and merger failure: An experimental approach
We use laboratory experiments to explore merger failure due to conflicting...
Multimarket competition, consumer search, and the organizational structure of multiunit firms
This research explores how market competition influences a firm's optimal...
The utilization of competing technologies within the firm: Evidence from cardiac procedures
This paper examines the role of technological status in determining the rates at which...
Learning-by-hiring: When is mobility more likely to facilitate interfirm knowledge transfer?
To investigate the conditions under which learning-by-hiring (or the acquisition of...
Production capacity modelling of alternative, nonidentical, flexible machines
Analyzing the production capacity of a flexible manufacturing system consisting of a...
David vs. Goliath: An analysis of asymmetric mixed-strategy games and experimental evidence
Mixed strategies are widely used to model strategic situations in diverse fields such...
Perturbing nonnormal confidential attributes: The copula approach
Protecting confidential, numerical data in databases from disclosure is an important...
A multi-echelon inventory system with information exchange
In this paper, we consider a supply-chain model consisting of a single product, one...
Order-based backorders and their implications in multi-item inventory systems
In a multi-item inventory system, such as an assemble-to-order manufacturing system or...
Adaptive inventory control for nonstationary demand and partial information
This paper examines several different policies for an inventory control problem in...
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