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Found 17049 papers in total
Information flows in capacitated supply chains with fixed ordering costs
Many organizations have only recently recognized that sharing information with other...
The impact of the secondary market on the supply chain
This paper investigates the impacts of a secondary market where resellers can buy and...
Easy quantification of improved spare parts inventory policies
This paper presents approximate analytical models to quantify the expected improvement...
Effective zero-inventory-ordering policies for the single-warehouse multiretailer problem with piecewise linear cost structures
We analyze the problem faced by companies that rely on TL (Truckload) and LTL (Less...
Optimal stock allocation for a capacitated supply system
We consider a capacitated supply system that produces a single item that is demanded...
Economic production lot sizing with periodic costs and overtime
Traditional approaches for modeling economic production lot-sizing problems assume...
Integrating replenishment decisions with advance demand information
There is a growing consensus that a portfolio of customers with different demand lead...
Stocking decisions for low-usage items in a multilocation inventory system
This research shows that organizations with a number of ‘sister’ plants,...
A dynamic lot-sizing model with demand time windows
One of the basic assumptions of the classical dynamic lot-sizing model is that the...
Optimality conditions for an (s, S) policy with proportional and lump-sum penalty costs
We consider the optimality of the ( s, S ) policy for a periodic-review stochastic...
Optimal investment in knowledge within a firm using a market mechanism
There has been an extensive research literature on auctions, but recent developments...
Investment, capital structure, and complementarities between debt and new equity
We study simultaneous investment and financing decisions made by incumbent owners in...
Structuring the new product development pipeline
In many new product development (NPD) situations, the development process is...
Complementary product integration by high-technology new ventures: The role of initial technology strategy
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between complementary product...
A mean-variance analysis of self-financing portfolios
This paper develops the analytics and geometry of the investment opportunity set (IOS)...
The valuation of American options for a class of diffusion processes
We present an integral equation approach for the valuation of American-style...
Dynamic portfolio selection of new product development programs using marginal returns
Selecting program portfolios within a budget constraint is an important challenge in...
Knowledge seeking and location choice of foreign direct investment in the United States
To what extent do firms go abroad to access technology available in other locations?...
Creating and transferring knowledge for productivity improvement in factories
Can a firm accelerate its learning curve if knowledge about the production function is...
The effects of worker learning, forgetting, and heterogeneity on assembly line productivity
The authors investigate through several simulations how patterns of learning and...
Incorporating workflow interference in facility layout design: The quartic assignment problem
Although many authors have noted the importance of minimizing workflow interference in...
Modeling and analysis of congestion in the design of facility layouts
Reducing manufacturing lead times and minimizing work-in-process (WIP) inventories are...
Worst-case incremental analysis for a class of p-facility location problems
We consider a rather large class of p -facility location models including the p...
Parallel NC-algorithms for multifacility location problems with mutual communication and their applications
The generic problem studied is to locate p distinguishable facilities on a tree to...
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