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Found 17049 papers in total
Regression, correlation, and the time interval: Additive–multiplicative framework
When two random variables are both additive or multiplicative, the effect of the way...
Livestock manure systems for swine finishing enterprises
Mixed integer programming (MIP) models were used to generate optimal whole farm plans...
Application of interactive multiple goal programming for red soil watershed development: A case study of Qingshishan watershed
Red soils cover 21% of China's surface: some 2×10 6 km 2 . Much of the...
Locating agricultural decision support systems in the troubled past and socio-technical complexity of ‘models for management’
Although not conspicuous in its literature, agricultural modelling and its...
SIRATAC and CottonLOGIC: Persevering with DSSs in the Australian cotton industry
We have reviewed three generations of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) developed over...
An ecology of a DSS: Reflections on managing wheat crops in the northeastern Australian grains region with WHEATMAN
An ecological framework is used to study the reinforcing and limiting processes on a...
PCYield: Model-based decision support for soybean production
Soybean farmers make decisions based on diverse information. However, one tool not...
Insights in development and deployment of the GLA and NUTBAL decision support systems for grazing lands
The evolution of two decision support systems is traced from their roots in academia...
Evolution of the GRAZPLAN decision support tools and adoption by the grazing industry in temperate Australia
CSIRO Plant Industry has developed the GRAZPLAN family of decision support tools (DS...
The FARMSCAPE approach to decision support: Farmers', advisers', researchers' monitoring, simulation, communications and performance evaluation
FARMSCAPE (Farmers', Advisers' Researchers', Monitoring, Simulation, Communication and...
Changing systems for supporting farmers' decisions: Problems, paradigms, and prospects
Decision support systems (DSS), like other information systems (IS) before them, were...
Investigating strategies for minimising damage caused by the sugarcane pest Eldana saccharina
The control of Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyrelidae) in sugarcane of...
Algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions
Combinatorial auctions, that is, auctions where bidders can bid on combinations of...
Validation of SPUR2.4 rangeland simulation moldel using a cow–calf field experiment
SPUR (Simulation of Production and Utilization of Rangelands) is a grassland ecosystem...
The importance of ordering in sequential auctions
To date, the largest part of literature on multi-unit auctions has assumed that there...
Opportunities and constraints for farmers of West Africa to use seasonal precipitation forecasts with Burkina Faso as a case
Skill of seasonal precipitation forecasts for west Afria has improved to the point...
Fault-tolerant virtual path layout in Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a communications architecture for the provision of...
Use of ENSO-related climate information in agricultural decision making in Argentina: A pilot experience
The availability of long-lead ENSO-related climate forecasts has led many to speculate...
Minimax models for diverse routing
An important task in the management and administration of communication networks is...
Infusing the use of seasonal climate forecasting into crop management practice in North East Australia using decision support software
Seasonal climate forecasting offers potential for improving management of crop...
How communication links influence coalition bargaining: A laboratory investigation
Complexity of communication is one of the important factors that distinguishes...
Use of climate information of farm-level decision making: Rainfed groundnut in southern India
The production of rainfed crops in semi-arid tropics exhibits large variation in...
Enhanced risk management and decision-making capability across the sugarcane industry value chain based on seasonal climate forecasts
Sugarcane industries worldwide are exposed to uncertainty associated with variable...
Initialization for the Normal To Anything approach: Generation of random vectors with specified marginals and correlations
We propose a specific method for generating n -dimensional random vectors with given...
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