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How many voters are needed for paradoxes?
Weber James S.
This paper presents a general procedure for finding profiles with the minimum number...
An evolutionary approach to group decision making
Koehler Gary J.
We propose modeling Group Support System (GSS) search tasks with Genetic Algorithms....
Replenishment strategies for distribution systems under advance demand information
zer zalp
Customers with positive demand lead times place orders in advance of their needs. A...
Salesforce compensation scheme and consumer inferences
Srinivasan Kannan
We investigate the salesforce compensation strategy of a firm selling products in a...
Performance analysis of split-case sorting systems
Johnson M. Eric
Split-case sorting systems are used in many retail supply chains where items must be...
An algorithm for solving bond pricing problem
Deeba E.
The nonlinear bond pricing problem has been extensively studied in the literature....
Using neural network rule extraction and decision tables for credit-risk evaluation
Setiono Rudy
Credit-risk evaluation is a very challenging and important management science problem...
Variance-optimal hedging in discrete-time
Schweizer M.
We solve the problem of approximating in L 2 a given random variable H by stochastic...
Martingale analysis for assets wih discontinuous returns
Chao X.L.
The equivalent martingale measure approach is applied to a financial market subject to...
An empirical analysis of forecast sharing in the semiconductor equipment supply chain
Ren Justin Z.
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Does good science lead to valuable knowledge? Biotechnology firms and the evolutionary logic of citation patterns
Kogut Bruce
This study looks at the United States biotechnology industry as a community of...
Knowledge and productivity in technical support work
Das Amit
In this paper, we examine the process of technical support work and the role of...
The halo effect and technology licensing: The influence of institutional prestige on the licensing of university inventions
Shane Scott
Sociologists and organizational theorists have long claimed that the processes of...
Exploration and exploitation in the presence of network externalities
Lee Jongseok
This paper examines the conditions under which exploration of a new, incompatible...
A finite time horizon inventory model with deterioration and time-value of money under the conditions of permissible delay in payments
Dye Chung-Yuan
A varying deterioration rate, time-value of money and the condition of permissible...
Production-inventory system controller design and supply chain dynamics
Riddalls C.E.
The paper deals with the modelling and control of aggregated production-inventory...
Economic order quantity inventory model for items with Weibull distribution deterioration, time-varying demand and partial backlogging
Wu K.S.
The paper presents an EOQ inventory model that is depleted not only by time-varying...
Lot size reorder point inventory model with controllable lead time and set-up cost
Ouyang Liang-Yuh
This paper deals with the lead time and set-up cost reductions problem on the modified...
Multilocation combined pricing and inventory control
Federgruen Awi
We consider the problem managing inventories and dynamically adjusting retailer prices...
Newsvendor networks: Inventory management and capacity investment with discretionary activities
Mieghem Jan A. Van
We introduce a class of models, called newsvendor networks, that allow for multiple...
Properties of the periodic review (R, T) inventory control policy for stationary, stochastic demand
Rao Uday S.
This paper studies the single-item, periodic review, order-up-to policy in which both...
Coordinating inventory control and pricing strategies with random demand and fixed ordering cost
Chen Xin
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Newsvendor bounds and heuristic for optimal policies in serial supply chains
Song Jing-Sheng
We consider the classic N -stage serial supply systems with linear costs and...
Mathematical model and optimization in production investment
Wang P.
We study a kind of nonlinear programming models derived from various investment...
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