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Found 17049 papers in total
Steady-state analysis and scheduling of cyclic job shops with overtaking
A cyclic shop is a production system that repeatedly produces identical sets of parts...
On the minimum norm solution of linear programs
This paper describes a new technique to find the minimum norm solution of a linear...
Generalized column generation for linear programming
Column generation is a well-known and widely practised technique for solving linear...
On the quasiconcave bilevel programming problem
Bilevel programming involves two optimization problems where the constraint region of...
Scheduling batches with sequential job processing for two-machine flow and open shops
In this paper, we study a problem of scheduling and batching on two machines in a...
Non-approximability results for scheduling problems with minsum criteria
We provide several non-approximability results for deterministic scheduling problems...
Combining column generation and Lagrangean relaxation to solve a single-machine common due date problem
Column generation has proved to be an effective technique for solving the linear...
An iterated dynasearch algorithm for the single-machine totalweighted tardiness scheduling problem
This paper introduces a new neighborhood search technique, called dynasearch, that...
Assembly-line scheduling with concurrent operations and parallel machines
This paper addresses the assembly-line scheduling problem with concurrent operations...
Contrasting stuctured and random permutation flow-shop scheduling problems: Search-space topology and algorithm performance
The use of random test problems to evaluate algorithm performance raises an important,...
Experimental comparison of approximation algorithms for scheduling unrelated parallel machines
This paper presents an empirical comparison of polynomial-time approximation...
On a quadratic optimization problem with equality constraints
The constrained optimization problem with a quadratic cost functional and two...
Solving project scheduling problems by minimum cut computations
In project scheduling a set of precedence-constrained jobs has to be scheduled so as...
On the value of adaptive solutions to stochastic scheduling problems
Two possible ways of dealing with the presence of unknown system parameters in a...
On throughput maximization in constant travel-time robotic cells
We consider the problem of scheduling operations in bufferless robotic cells that...
Server assignment policies for maximizing the steady-state throughput of finite queueing systems
For a system of finite queues, we study how servers should be assigned dynamically to...
Strategic equilibrium for a pair of competing servers with convex cost and balking
A two-person game is formulated for a queueing situation involving a pair of...
Performance measures for selection of metamodels to be used in simulation optimization
This paper points out the need for performance measures in the context of simulation...
Solution of a min–max vehicle routing problem
We use a branch-and-cut search to solve the Whizzkids'96 vehicle routing problem,...
Vehicle routing with time windows and time-dependent rewards: A problem from the American Red Cross
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
New procedures to select the best simulated system using common random numbers
Although simulation is widely used to select the best of several alternative system...
The arc routing and scheduling problem with transshipment
This article introduces the Arc Routing and Scheduling Problem with Transshipment...
Validation of trace-driven simulation models: Bootstrap tests
Trace-driven (or correlated inspection) simulation means that the simulated and the...
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