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Found 17049 papers in total
An improved algorithm for the minmax regret median problem on a tree
We consider the 1-median problem with uncertain weights for nodes. Specifically, for...
Approximation algorithms for constructing wavelength routing networks
Consider a requirement graph whose vertices represent customers and an edge represents...
Reserving resilient capacity for a single commodity with upper-bound constraints
Continuing research begun in a previous study, we investigate problems of reserving...
Degree- and time-constrained broadcast networks
We consider the problem of constructing networks with as many nodes as possible,...
Optimal policy for set-up time reduction in a multistage production–inventory system
A batch production–inventory system consisting of multiple stages with an...
Shortest-path network interdiction
We study the problem of interdicting the arcs in a network in order to maximize the...
Building contingency planning for closed-loop supply chains with product recovery
Contingency planning is the first stage in developing a formal set of production...
A polynomial-time algorithm to find shortest paths with recourse
The Shortest Path with Recourse Problem involves finding the shortest expected-length...
Coordinating replenishment and pricing in a firm
Replenishment and pricing strategies are traditionally determined by entirely separate...
Analysis of a decentralized production–inventory system
While research on decentralized supply chains has been an active area of late, this...
Product differentiation and capacity cost interaction in time and price sensitive markets
In this paper, the authors investigate the impact of capacity costs on the optimal...
Advance demand information and safety capacity as a hedge against demand and capacity uncertainty
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
A continuous-time strategic capacity planning model based on the minimum-cut problem
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Supplier–manufacturer relationships under forced compliance contracts
This is an extended abstract of a paper that was finalist in the Manufacturing and...
Impact of interruptions on schedule execution in flexible manufacturing systems
Finite capacity scheduling software packages provide a detailed advance plan of...
Invex functions and generalized convexity in multiobjective programming
Martin studied the optimality conditions of invex functions for scalar programming...
An approximate dynamic programming approach to multidimensional knapsack problems
We present an Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) approach for the multidimensional...
A note on the traveling repairman problem
Given a finite set of N nodes and the time required for traveling among nodes, in the...
Quality evaluation of ink-jet paper with principal components analysis
Non-impact printing techniques have in many fields of application replaced traditional...
Basic concepts in risk analysis and the decision-making process
This paper presents a discussion on the basic concepts behind engineering safety and...
Improving discrete model representations via symmetry considerations
In this paper, we focus on a useful modeling concept that is frequently ignored while...
Approximating multiobjective knapsack problems
For multiobjective optimization problems, it is meaningful to compute a set of...
Linear-time approximation schemes for scheduling malleable parallel tasks
A malleable parallel task is one whose execution time is a function of the number of...
A branch-and-price algorithm for switch-box routing
Routing in VLSI design concerns the wiring of a chip after the logical modules have...
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