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Found 17049 papers in total
Local search with constraint propagation and conflict-based heuristics
Search algorithms for solving CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problems) usually fall into...
Abstracting soft constraints: Framework, properties, examples
Soft constraints are very flexible and expressive. However, they are also very complex...
Logic, optimization, and constraint programming
Because of their complementary strengths, optimization and constraint programming can...
Minimization of the number of tool magazine setups on automated machines: A Lagrangean decomposition approach
This paper addresses the parts-grouping problem that arises in automated manufacturing...
Extending an algebraic modeling language to support constraint programming
Although algebraic modeling languages are widely used in linear and nonlinear...
Effects-based operations: A grand challenge for the analytical community
Effects-based operations (EBO) are defined for this monograph as operations conceived...
An optimization approach to workforce planning for the information technology field
To balance the competing goals of reducing infrastructure and preserving information...
Supporting expeditionary aerospace forces: Engine maintenance systems evaluation
As the US Air Force evolves into an Expeditionary Air Force, its methods for...
Mate-search efficiency can determine the evolution of separate sexes and the stability of hermaphroditism in animals
Limited availability of mating partners has been proposed as an explanation for the...
Policy model for pollution control in the copper industry, including a model for the sulfuric acid market
In this paper we develop a policy model for pollution control investment and...
A dynamic programming based pruning method for decision trees
This paper concerns a decision-tree pruning method, a key issue in the development of...
Production planning with flexible product specifications: An application to specialty steel manufacturing
Responding to varying customer needs for product customization, quantities, or lead...
An oil pipeline design problem
We consider a given set of offshore platforms and onshore wells producing known (or...
Caching documents with variable sizes and fetching costs: An LP-based approach
We give an integer programming formulation of the paging problem with varying sizes...
A new approach to estimating the probability of winning the presidency
As the 2000 elections so vividly showed, it is Electoral College standings rather than...
Fair versus unrestricted bin packing
We consider the on-line Dual Bin Packing problem where we have n unit size bins and a...
Flow management to optimize retail profits at theme parks
In many theme parks, stores are located within major attractions to sell related...
Representatons of the all_different predicate of constraint satisfaction in integer programming
The use of predicates to state constraints in Constraint Satisfaction is explained....
Programmatic risk analysis for critical engineering systems under tight resource constraints
Managers of complex engineering development projects face a challenge when deciding...
Sorting permutations by reversals through branch-and-price
We describe an exact algorithm for the problem of sorting a permutation by the minimum...
Algorithms for hybrid MILP/CP models for a class of optimization problems
The goal of this paper is to develop models and methods that use complementary...
Dynamic airline revenue management with multiple semi-Markov demand
When a customer requests a discount fare, the airline must decide whether to sell the...
Exact algorithms for minimum routing cost trees
Given a set of points and distances between them, a basic problem in network design...
Dimensioning multicast-enabled communications networks
This paper concerns the network design problem of dimensioning capacity, available in...
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