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Found 17049 papers in total
Capacity expansion with lead times and autocorrelated random demand
The combination of uncertain demand and lead times for installing capacity creates the...
Using domestic water analysis to value groundwater recharge in the Hadejia–Jama'are floodplain, Northern Nigeria
This article values the groundwater recharge function performed by the...
Bicriteria product design optimization: An efficient solution procedure using AND/OR trees
Competitive imperatives are causing manufacturing firms to consider multiple criteria...
Approximation schemes for ordered vector packing problems
In this paper we deal with the d -dimensional vector packing problem, which is a...
Local convergence of the proximal point algorithm and multiplier methods without monotonicity
This paper studies the convergence of the classical proximal point algorithm without...
Risk-sensitive optimal control for Markov decision processes with monotone cost
The existence of an optimal feedback law is established for the risk-sensitive optimal...
Patterns of change: Information change and congressional budget deliberations revisited
How did the Planning Programming Budgeting System (PPBS), and the Congressional Budget...
A combinatorial, graph-based solution method for a class of continuous-time optimal control problems
The paper addresses a class of continuous-time, optimal control problems whose...
A genetic algorithm-based approach for building accurate decision trees
In dealing with a very large data set, it might be impractical to construct a decision...
A combinational auction improves school meals in Chile
Chile's school system is using mathematical modeling to assign catering contracts in a...
A necessary and sufficient condition for approachability
In the framework of two-person repeated games with vector payoffs, Blackwell defined...
Computing stationary Nash equilibria of undiscounted single-controller stochastic games
Given a two-person, nonzero-sum stochastic game where the second player controls the...
An examination of the relationship between the municipal strategic plan and the capital budget and its effect on financial performance
Strategic planning in all sectors of government is currently experiencing greater use....
People skills change management tools – ideal state analysis
This is the second in a series of articles about some of the most effective models,...
The semi-algebraic theory of stochastic games
The asymptotic behavior of the min–max value of a finite-state zero-sum...
Repeated games with lack of information on one side: The dual differential approach
We introduce the dual differential game of a repeated game with lack of information on...
A note on an axiomatization of the core of market games
As shown by Peleg, the core of market games is characterized by nonemptiness,...
The bilateral consistent prekernel, the core, and Non Transferable Utility bankruptcy problems
It is shown that the bilateral consistent prekernel, a Non Transferable Utility...
Reconfirming the prenucleolus
By means of an example, it is shown that the prenucleolus is not the only minimal...
Matching games: The least core and the nucleolus
A matching game is a cooperative game defined by a graph G = (N, E). The player set is...
The empirical Bayes envelope and regret minimization in competitive Markov decision processes
This paper proposes an extension of the regret minimizing framework from repeated...
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