Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Network flow models for designing diameter-constrained minimum-spanning and Steiner trees
We formulate and computationally test several models for the Diameter-Constrained...
Further results from a trial comparing a hidden speed camera programme with visible camera operation
As described in a previous paper the hidden camera programme was found to be...
Factors influencing the probability of an incident at a junction: Results from an interactive driving simulator
Using data generated from a fixed-base interactive driving simulator, which was used...
Young drivers' decision making and safety belt use
Past research in safety belt use has primarily focused on describing the relationship...
‘Road rage’ in Arizona: Armed and dangerous
Little is known about the relationship between firearm carrying and hostile behavior...
The effects of standard enforcement on Michigan safety belt use
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of standard enforcement...
Responses of teenagers and their parents to California's graduated licensing system
In 1998, California adopted a strong graduated licensing system that lengthened the...
Next generation factory layouts: Research challenges and recent progress
Recent trends in industry suggest that existing layout configurations do not meet the...
An approximation scheme for stochastic integer programs arising in capacity expansion
Planning for capacity expansion forms a crucial part of the strategic-level decision...
Further investigation on feasibility of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
In this paper, we present feasibility conditions for mathematical programs with affine...
A procedure to find discrete representations of the efficient set with specified coverage errors
An important issue in multiple objective mathematical programming is finding discrete...
On the undirected rural postman problem: Tight bounds based on a new formulation
The Rural Postman Problem (RPP) is a classic ‘edge-routing’ problem. A...
Dutch private sector and local government accounting regulations: A comparison
This paper addresses the Dutch Regulations on Government Accounting as far as local...
Probabilistic error bounds for simulation quantile estimators
Quantile estimation has become increasingly important, particularly in the financial...
Continuity of data envelopment analysis efficiency measures
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology that allows, in one way or other, the...
A mathematical model and descent algorithm for bilevel traffic management
We provide a new mathematical model for strategic traffic management, formulated and...
Minimum time and minimum cost-path problems in street networks with periodic traffic lights
This paper investigates minimum time and minimum cost path problems in street networks...
Origin-based algorithm for the traffic assignment problem
We present an origin-based algorithm for the traffic assignment problem, which is...
Discovery of functional and approximate functional dependencies in relational databases
This study develops the foundation for a simple, yet efficient method for uncovering...
Accounting developments of Spanish Local Governments: An international comparison
This paper analyzes the developments of Spanish local government accounting. To...
Strategic operations research and the Edelman prize finalist applications 1989–1998
In an earlier study we examined the available evidence on the Edelman Prize finalist...
Robust ship scheduling with multiple time windows
We present a ship scheduling problem concerned with the pickup and delivery of bulk...
A model of investment under uncertainty: Modern irrigation technology and emerging markets in water
This article develops a stochastic dynamic model of irrigation technology adoption. It...
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