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An airspace planning model for selecting flight-plans under workload, safety, and equity considerations
Sherali Hanif D.
In this paper, we present an airspace planning model (APM) that has been developed for...
Chrysler leverages its suppliers' improvement suggestions
Park Seungwook
We examined Chrysler's SCORE (supplier cost reduction effort) supplier-suggestion...
A new era for crew recovery at Continental Airlines
Yu Gang
Airlines face schedule disruptions daily because of unexpected events, including...
Optimizing periodic maintenance operations for Schindler Elevator Corporation
Cao Buyang
Schindler, the world's largest escalator company and second-largest elevator company,...
Drivers' response to the installation of road lighting. An economic interpretation
Jrgensen Finn
An economic model of drivers' behaviour is introduced in order to explain recently...
Factors influential in making an injury severity difference to older drivers involved in fixed object–passenger car crashes
Dissanayake Sunanda
To identify factors influencing severity of injury to older drivers in fixed...
Relationship between crash rate and hourly traffic flow on interurban motorways
Martin Jean-Louis
The paper describes the relationship between crash incidence rates and hourly traffic...
The importance of confounding in observational before-and-after studies of road safety measures
Elvik Rune
This paper discusses the importance of confounding in observational before-and-after...
Characteristics of low speed accidents with buses in public transport
Whlberg A.E. af
Low-speed accidents with buses in public transport in the city of Uppsala during the...
How the presence of passengers influences the risk of a collision with another vehicle
Vollrath Mark
The risk of a collision with another vehicle due to the presence of passengers is...
Individual differences during driver secondary task performance: Verbal protocol and visual allocation findings
Lansdown Terry C.
This paper reports a study in which visual allocation and verbal reports were recorded...
Biomechanical analyses of whiplash injuries using an experimental model
Yoganandan Narayan
Neck pain and headaches are the two most common symptoms of whiplash. The working...
A model of traffic crashes in New Zealand
Scuffham P.A.
The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the trend and seasonal patterns in...
The relationship between liquor outlet density and injury and violence in New Mexico
Escobedo Luis G.
This study used an ecologic design based on data from 1990 to 1994 gathered from...
Epidemiological data and ranking home and leisure accidents for priority-setting
Mulder Saakje
Objective: To determine how to use the multitude of available epidemiological data to...
Pedestrian crashes in Washington, DC and Baltimore
Williams Allan F.
Police crash reports were obtained for pedestrian–motor vehicle crashes in...
Driving performance of drivers with impaired central visual field acuity
Summala Heikki
This study investigated the performance of drivers with impairment to their central...
Using logistic regression to estimate the influence of accident factors on accident severity
Al-Ghamdi Ali S.
Logistic regression was applied to accident-related data collected from traffic police...
Wavelength routing and assignment in a survivable wavelength division multiplexing mesh network
Kennington Jeffery L.
All-optical networks with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) capabilities are...
Traffic safety and the switch to a primary seat belt law: The California experience
Houston David J.
This study explores whether the change of an existing seat belt law from secondary to...
Balanced network flows. VIII. A revised theory of phase-ordered algorithms and the O(√(n)mlog(n2/m)/log n) bound for the nonbipartite cardinality matching problem
Jungnickel Dieter
This paper closes some gaps in the discussion of nonweighted balanced network flow...
The effect on accidents of technical inspections of heavy vehicles in Norway
Elvik Rune
The paper presents a study of the effects on accidents of technical inspections of...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the single-commodity, uncapacitated, fixed-charge network flow problem
Wolsey Laurence A.
We present a branch-and-cut algorithm to solve the single-commodity, uncapacitated,...
Signal detection in conditions of everyday life traffic dilemmas
Rosenbloom Tova
This paper shows how the paradigm of signal detection could serve as a viable means...
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