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Found 17049 papers in total
Brand loyalty programs: Are they shams?
Brand loyalty and the more modern topics of computing customer lifetime value and...
A conic programming approach to generalized Tchebycheff inequalities
Consider the problem of finding optimal bounds on the expected value of piecewise...
Narrow focusing: Why the relative position of a good in its category matters more than it should
This research examines whether a low-ranking member in a high-status category (e.g.,...
Error bounds for degenerate cone inclusion problems
Error bounds for cone inclusion problems in Banach spaces are established under...
The challenges of cross-disciplinary work: accounting and financial reporting for governments and nonprofits
This introductory article to the special symposium entitled “The Evolution of...
A survey of governmental accounting education studies
This paper provides an overview of several studies on governmental accounting...
Analyzing the financial condition of the city of Corona, California: Using a case to teach the GASB 34 government-wide financial statements
A financial statement analysis case uses the government-wide financial statements of...
Methods and resources to increase student interest in governmental accounting
Coverage of governmental accounting is typically light within both accounting and...
Enhancing student learning with governmental accounting jeopardy!
The Bedford Committee (1986) and the Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC,...
The course development process for an integrated nonprofit management course concentration: business competencies needed for nonprofit careers
The paper describes an integrated, interdisciplinary nonprofit management three-course...
Citibank models credit risk on hybrid mortgage loans in Taiwan
A new type of hybrid loan in Taiwan consists of a traditional residential mortgage...
The US army uses a network optimization model to designate career fields for officers
In 1999, the United States Army instituted a new career-progression pattern for its...
Hub–spoke network choice under competition with an application to Western Europe
The aim of this paper is to present a model structure that analyzes the...
America West Airlines develops efficient boarding strategies
In September 2003, America West Airlines implemented a new aircraft boarding strategy...
The DSS LOGDIS optimizes delivery routes for FRILAC's frozen products
We designed a decision-support system for FRILAC Company in Navarra, Spain, to...
Self-organized pedestrian crowd dynamics: experiments, simulations, and design solutions
To test simulation models of pedestrian flows, we have performed experiments for...
Convergence of a discretised travel-time model
In network models for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA), the travel time on a link is...
Analysis of dynamic traffic equilibrium with departure time choice
We present and analyse a model of the combined choice of departure time and route in a...
Medium-term pricing and operations planning in intermodal transportation
Motivated by a real application that requires effective medium-term planning in...
Pedestrian behavior at bottlenecks
Traffic operators in public walking spaces are to a large extent determined by...
Shipping multiple items by capacitated vehicles: An optimal dynamic programming approach
We consider a system in which multiple items are transferred from a warehouse or a...
Minimum vehicle fleet size under time-window constraints at a container terminal
Products can be transported in containers from one port to another. At a container...
Shunting of passenger train units in a railway station
In this paper we introduce the problem of shunting passenger train units in a railway...
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