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Found 17049 papers in total
Understanding conflict in geographically distributed teams: The moderating effects of shared identity, shared context, and spontaneous communication
Geographically distributed teams are increasingly prevalent in the workplace, and...
Maximizing accuracy of shared databases when concealing sensitive patterns
The sharing of databases either within or across organizations raises the possibility...
On data reliability assessment in accounting information systems
The need to ensure reliability of data in information systems has long been...
Economics of an information intermediary with aggregation benefits
The widespread use of the Internet has led to the emergence of numerous information...
Building effective online marketplaces with institution-based trust
Institution-based trust is a buyer's perception that effective third-party...
Does animation attract online users' attention? The effects of flash on information search performance and perceptions
The proliferation of information on the Internet poses a significant challenge on...
Information technology outsourcing strategies: Universalistic, contingency, and configurational explanations of success
Focus on individual outsourcing decisions in IT research has often yielded...
Real options and information technology platform adoption: Implications for theory and practice
The decision processes surrounding investments in innovative information technology...
An empirical analysis of network externalities in peer-to-peer music-sharing networks
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks are an important medium for the distribution...
Impact of environmental uncertainty and task characteristics on user satisfaction with data
Today, more than ever before, organizations are faced with the task of processing...
Toward contextualized theories of trust: The role of trust in global virtual teams
Although trust has received much attention in many streams of information systems...
An economic model of product quality and information technology value
We use an economic model to formalize the complex relationships among IT investments,...
Managing digital piracy: Pricing and protection
This paper analyzes the optimal choice of pricing schedules and technological...
Internet users' information privacy concerns (IUIPC): The construct, the scale, and a causal model
The lack of consumer confidence in information privacy has been identified as a major...
Information technology outsourcing success: A psychological contract perspective
Information technology (IT) outsourcing success requires careful managemnt of...
Deploying common systems globally: The dynamics of control
In today's competitive environment, an increasing number of firms are building common...
The value of intrusion detection systems in information technology security architecture
The increasing significance of information technology (IT) security to firms is...
A study of the Philadelphia knowledge economy
A local civic organization, Greater Philadelphia First, engaged us to study the...
A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance
In general, perceptions of information systems (IS) success have been investigated...
Collaborating on multiparty information systems development projects: A collective reflection-in-action view
Growth of Web-based applications has drawn a great number of diverse stakeholders and...
The economic incentives for sharing security information
Given that information technology (IT) security has emerged as an important issue in...
Web personalization as a persuasion strategy: An elaboration likelihood model perspective
With advances in tracking and database technologies, firms are increasingly able to...
The impact of e-commerce on competition in the retail brokerage industry
This paper analyzes the impact of e-commerce on markets where established firms face...
Managing piracy: Pricing and sampling strategies for digital experience goods in vertically segmented markets
Digital goods lend themselves to versioning but also suffer from piracy losses. This...
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