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Found 17049 papers in total
Fast approximation schemes for two-stage, two-dimensional bin packing
We present an asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the...
Decision support systems effectiveness in marketing resource allocation decisions: Reality vs. perception
We study the process by which model-based decision support systems (DSSs) influence...
The continuous mixing polyhedron
We analyze the polyhedral structure of the sets P CMIX ={(s,r,z)∈R×R...
Competition among sellers in online exchanges
With the advent of the Internet, and the minimal information technology requirements...
An alternative algorithm for counting lattice points in a convex polytope
We provide an alternative algorithm for counting lattice points in the convex polytope...
A two-stage model of the promotional performance of pure online firms
Internet firms frequently employ a two-stage approach to promotional activities. In...
Exponential lower bounds on the lengths of some classes of branch-and-cut proofs
We examine the complexity of branch-and-cut proofs in the context of 0–1 integer...
Psychological contract violation in online marketplaces: Antecedents, consequences, and moderating role
This study examines the nature and role of Psychological Contract Violation (PCV) in...
Seagate–Quantum: Encroachment strategies
Few terms in the recent literature on innovation management have been as widely used...
A translation approach to teaching linear program formulation
While there have been many improvements in the teaching of operations...
Predicting competitive response to a major policy change: Combining game-theoretic and empirical analyses
This research uses Proctor & Gamble's value pricing initiative as a context for...
Planning marketing-mix strategies in the presence of interaction effects
Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising to boost a brand's image and...
Strategic pricing and detailing behavior in international markets
We study three determinants of the levels of price and detailing effort across...
Differences in dynamic brand competition across markets: An empirical analysis
We investigate differences in the dynamics of marketing decisions across geographic...
The linear complementarity problem under asymptotic analysis
In this work we study the classical linear complementarity problem (LCP) by describing...
Time-varying competition
Normative models typically suggest that prices rise in periods of high demand and...
Some P-properties for nonlinear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras
In this article, we introduce the concepts of P and P 0 properties for a nonlinear...
A general theory of pass-through in channels with category management and retail competition
I provide a general formulation of the channel pass-through problem as a comparative...
Expected residual minimization method for stochastic linear complementarity problems
This paper presents a new formulation for the stochastic linear complementarity...
Own-brand and cross-brand retail pass-through
In this paper we describe the pass-through behavior of a major US supermarket chain...
Reasoning about competitive reactions: Evidence from executives
Much of the empirical research on competitive reactions describes how or why rivals...
A prelaunch diffusion model for evaluating market defense strategies
This paper describes the development and application of a marketing model to help set...
Research issues at the boundary of competitive dynamics and market evolution
Building on the observation that competitive dynamics and market evolution are...
Sensitivity analysis for cone-constrained optimization problems under the relaxed constraint qualifications
We present the local sensitivity analysis for cone-constrained optimization problems...
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