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Found 17049 papers in total
On an extension of condition number theory to nonconic convex optimization
The purpose of this paper is to extend, as much as possible, the modern theory of...
Investment timing under incomplete information
We study the decision of when to invest in a project whose value is perfectly...
A semidefinite programming approach to optimal-moment bounds for convex classes of distributions
We provide an optimization framework for computing optimal upper and lower bounds on...
Optimal investments for robust utility functionals in complete market models
This paper introduces a systematic approach to the problem of maximizing the robust...
Note on multimodularity and L-convexity
Multimodular functions and L-convex functions have been investigated almost...
Boundedness theorems for the relaxation method
A classical theorem by Block and Levin states that certain variants of the relaxation...
Convergence of a hybrid projection–proximal point algorithm coupled with approximation methods in convex optimization
In order to minimize a closed convex function that is approximated by a sequence of...
Structural and epistemic parameters in communities of practice
If communities of practice are best understood as fluid social relations, enacted...
OR/MS games 4: The joy of egg-dropping in Braunschweig and Hong Kong
In this discussion we examine the famous 2-egg puzzle from an OR/MS perspective and...
Improvisation and innovative performance in teams
This paper builds on the principles and insights from improvisational theater to...
Classroom exercises in IP modeling: Su Doku and the Log Pile
Two puzzles are presented and discussed with a view to using the as classroom drill...
A socially embedded model of thriving at work
Thriving describes an individual's experience of vitality and learning. The primary...
Implementing dynamic programs in spreadsheets
This paper has two purposes: to help explain dynamic programs (DP) to students who...
Transactive memory systems, learning, and learning transfer
Knowledge embedded in a group's structures and processes can be leveraged to create...
Beer in the classroom: A case study of location and distribution decisions
We discuss our experience in using a case study of location and distribution decisions...
Robust dynamic programming
In this paper we propose a robust formulation for discrete time dynamic programming...
A new kind of IP
A New Kind of Science (NKS) written by Stephen Wolfram after 10 years of isolated...
A multiexchange local search algorithm for the capacitated facility location problem
We present a multiexchange local search algorithm for approximating the capacitated...
Fantasy OR
An interesting article by J.R. Partington investigating puzzles of a mathematical...
Box-packing puzzles
A box-packing puzzle, or “polycube” puzzle, consists of a number of...
On the use of integer programming versus evolutionary solver in spreadsheet optimization
The introduction of the evolutionary solver in Frontline Systems' Premium Solver for...
A decision model for software maintenance
In this paper we address the problem of increasing software maintenance costs in a...
Managing strategic contradictions: A top management model for managing innovation streams
Sustained organizational performance depends on top management teams effectively...
An interior point cutting plane method for the convex feasibility problem with second-order cone inequalities
The convex feasibility problem in general is a problem of finding a point in a convex...
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