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Found 17049 papers in total
The distribution of order statistics for discrete random variables with applications to bootstrapping
An algorithm for computing the PDF of order statistics drawn from discrete parent...
Solving the generalized assignment problem: An optimizing and heuristic approach
The classical generalized assignment problem (GAP) may be stated as finding a...
GRASP with path relinking for three-index assignment
This paper proposes and tests variants of GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search...
An exact approach to the Strip-Packing problem
We consider the problem of orthogonally packing a given set of rectangular items into...
Early estimates of the size of branch-and-bound trees
This paper intends to show that the time needed to solve mixed-integer-programming...
K-cuts: A variation of Gomory mixed integer cuts from the LP tableau
For an integer program, a k -cut is a cutting plane generated by the Gomory mixed...
Generating cutting planes for mixed integer programming problems in a parallel computing environment
A parallel implementation of a disjunctive cutting-plane algorithm in a distributed...
On bridging the gap between stochastic integer programming and MIP solver technologies
Stochastic integer programs (SIPs) represent a very difficult class of optimization...
A local-search-based heuristic for the demand-constrained multidimensional knapsack problem
We consider an extension of the 0–1 multidimensional knapsack problem in which...
The analytic-center cutting-plane method for variational inequalities: A quadratic-cut approach
We introduce a cutting-plane, analytic-center algorithm for strongly monotone...
A column-generation approach to the multiple knapsack problem with color constraints
In this paper, we study a new problem that we refer to as the multiple knapsack with...
A metastrategy for large-scale resource management based on informational decomposition
This paper addresses the solution of large, complex resource allocation problems,...
LPFML: A W3C XML Schema for linear and integer programming
There are numerous modeling systems for generating linear programs and numerous...
Algorithms for the frame of a finitely generated unbounded polyhedron
Consider two finite sets 𝒜 and 𝒱 of points in m -dimensional space. The...
A set-covering-based heuristic approach for bin-packing problems
Several combinatorial optimization problems can be formulated as large set-covering...
Primal–dual-based algorithms for a directed network design problem
We present efficient algorithms for a special case of network design problems, the...
The granular tabu search and its application to the vehicle-routing problem
We describe a new variant, called granular tabu search, of the well-known tabu-search...
A reactive variable neighborhood search for the vehicle-routing problem with time windows
The purpose of this paper is to present a new deterministic metaheuristic based on a...
Scheduling banner advertisements on the Web
Despite the slowdown in the economy, advertisement revenue remains a significant...
Specification and estimation of production functions involving damage control inputs: A two-stage, semiparametric approach
Productivity assessment of damage control inputs (such as pesticides) is complicated...
The constraint consensus method for finding approximately feasible points in nonlinear programs
This paper develops a method for moving quickly and cheaply from an arbitrary initial...
A scheduling and capable-to-promise application for Swift & Company
Swift & Company uses an integrated system of 45 linear-programming models based on...
Oblique multicategory decision trees using nonlinear programming
Induction of decision trees is a popular and effective method for solving...
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