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Found 17049 papers in total
A new genetic algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem
In this paper we propose several variants of a new genetic algorithm for the solution...
Exploiting tabu search memory in constrained problems
This paper puts forth a general method to optimize constrained problems effectively...
The use of eigenvalues for finding equilibrium probabilities of certain Markovian two-dimensional queueing problems
A number of papers have appeared recently using eigenvalues for solving steady-state...
A hybrid genetic/optimization algorithm for finite-horizon, partially observed Markov decision processes
The partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP) is a generalization of a Markov...
Testing the nearest Kronecker product preconditioner on Markov chains and stochastic automata networks
This paper is the experimental follow-up to a study by Langville and Stewart, where...
Searching for multiple words in a Markov sequence
The theory of the discrete-time Markovian arrival process (DMAP) can be applied to...
Simultaneous generalized hill-climbing algorithms for addressing sets of discrete optimization problems
This paper introduces simultaneous generalized hill-climbing (SGHC) algorithms as a...
Heuristic search for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem
The generalized minimum spanning tree (GMST) problem occurs in telecommunications...
A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment
In this article we consider the SONET ring assignment problem (SRAP). The authors...
Symmetric and asymmetric parallelization of a cost-decomposition algorithm for multicommodity flow problems
We study the coarse-grained parallelization of an efficient bundle-based...
Warm-start routines for solving augmented weighted Tchebycheff network programs in multiple-objective network programming
Three warm-start routines are developed to find initial basic feasible solutions for...
Dynamic-programming approximations for stochastic time-staged integer multicommodity-flow problems
In this paper, we consider a stochastic and time-dependent version of the min-cost...
A computational study of cost reoptimization for min-cost flow problems
In the last two decades, a number of algorithms for the linear single-commodity...
Distributed delay constrained multicast routing algorithm with efficient fault recovery
Existing distributed delay constrained multicast routing algorithms construct a...
The multiroute maximum flow problem revisited
We are given a directed network G = (V,A,u) with vertex set V , arc set A , a source...
An integer programming approach to routing in daisy networks
We are concerned with routing problems arising in special kinds of synchronous digital...
Steiner trees and 3-D macromolecular conformation
One of the key issues in biochemistry and molecular modelling is the determination of...
Exact methods based on node-routing formulations for undirected arc-routing problems
This article proposes a new transformation of undirected arc-routing problems into...
Upgrading arcs to minimize the maximum travel time in a network
In transportation and telecommunication systems, the performance of the underlying...
Approximation algorithms for some k-source shortest paths spanning tree problems
In this article, we investigate two spanning tree problems of graphs with k given...
Approximation algorithms for the k-source multicast tree construction problem
Given an undirected graph with nonnegative weights on its edges, a group of source...
On the generality of event-graph models
Event graphs model the dynamics of a discrete-event simulation model. This paper...
Numerical solutions of renewal-type integral equations
The integral equation of renewal type has many applications in applied probability....
Introduction to Applied Optimization
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