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Found 17049 papers in total
A new pricing model for competitive telecommunications services using congestion discounts
We propose a two-stage pricing approach that enables providers of telecommunications...
Information Technology, Contract Completeness, and Buyer–Supplier Relationships
The theory of incomplete contracts has been used to study the relationship between...
Customer acquisition promotions and customer asset value
In this article, the author addresses the question of how a firm's acquisition efforts...
Optimal data interval for estimating advertising response
The abundance of highly disaggregate data (e.g., at five-second intervals) raises the...
Defection detection: Measuring and understanding the predictive accuracy of customer churn models
This article provides a descriptive analysis of how methodological factors contribute...
An integrated choice model incorporating alternative mechanisms for consumers' reactions to in-store display and feature advertising
The marketing literature has suggested two prominent decision mechanisms through which...
Aligning innovation with market characteristics in the nonprofit professional theater industry
In this study, the authors integrate theories of innovation diffusion, relational...
Manufacturing relations: An empirical study of the organization of production across multiple networks
Organizational communities present two generic features that are recurrently...
Interorganizational ties and business group boundaries: Evidence from an emerging economy
We identify which types of ties best distinguish pairs of Chilean firms in the same...
Acquiring and applying knowlege in transnational teams: The roles of cosmopolitans and locals
This paper examines the roles of cosmopolitans and locals in transnational teams that...
The impact of corruption on entry strategy: Evidence from telecommunication projects in emerging economies
With globalization and the growth in emerging economies, multinational enterprises...
Customization: impact on product and process performance
Manufacturing capability has often been viewed to be a major obstacle in achieving...
Understanding the adoption of multipurpose information appliances: The case of mobile data services
We have come to a stage when information technology (IT) innovations have permeated...
Minimum multiple message broadcast graphs
Multiple message broadcasting is the process of multiple message dissemination in a...
An optimal management hierarchy for given groups of executives
An important problem in economics is the construction of an effective minimal-cost...
Changing the game in strategic sourcing at Procter & Gamble: Expressive competition enabled by optimization
Procter & Gamble put into practice CombineNet's approach to building sourcing...
Fixed tree games with multilocated players
This article introduces fixed tree games with multilocated players (FMP games), which...
Laying out sparse graphs with provably minimum bandwidth
Finding a linear layout of a graph having minimum bandwidth is a combinatorial...
Planar branch decompositions I: The ratcatcher
The notion of branch decompositions and its related connectivity invariant for graphs,...
Planar branch decompositions II: The cycle method
This is the second of two papers dealing with the relationship of branchwidth and...
Lower bounds for the relative greedy algorithm for approximating Steiner trees
The Steiner tree problem is to find a shortest subgraph that spans a given set of...
Guided local search for the three-dimensional bin-packing problem
The three-dimensional bin-packing problem is the problem of orthogonally packing a set...
A general purpose algorithm for three-dimensional packing
We present a fast and efficient heuristic algorithm for solving a large class of...
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