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Found 17049 papers in total
Constructal multi-scale and multi-objective structures
This is a review of recent progress on constructal design made in two directions:...
Multi-objective optimization of the coal combustion performance with artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms
The present work introduces an approach to predict the nitrogen oxides (NO x )...
Cost optimization of a conical electric heater
Electric heaters are used extensively in many industrial applications including air...
An optimal management hierarchy for given groups of executives
An important problem in economics is the construction of an effective minimal-cost...
Minimum multiple message broadcast graphs
Multiple message broadcasting is the process of multiple message dissemination in a...
An integrated choice model incorporating alternative mechanisms for consumers' reactions to in-store display and feature advertising
The marketing literature has suggested two prominent decision mechanisms through which...
Optimal data interval for estimating advertising response
The abundance of highly disaggregate data (e.g., at five-second intervals) raises the...
General perfectly periodic scheduling
In a perfectly periodic schedule, each job must be scheduled precisely every some...
Cascading flowlines and layout modules: Practical strategies for machine duplication in facility layouts
The standard approach for design of a layout for a high-variety low-volume (HVLV)...
Management of product variety in cellular manufacturing systems
In today's markets, non-uniform, customized products complicate the manufacturing...
Mindfulness and the quality of organizational attention
Mindfulness as depicted by Levinthal and Rerup involves encoding ambiguous outcomes in...
Crossing an apparent chasm: Bridging mindful and less-mindful perspectives on organizational learning
An important new stream of organizational research has emerged in recent years that...
When collections of creatives become creative collectives: A field study of problem solving at work
This paper introduces a model of collective creativity that explains how the locus of...
Enhancing creativity through ‘Mindless’ work: A framework of workday design
We propose that organizations use a new framework of workday design to enhance the...
Attention as the mediator between top management team characteristics and strategic change: The case of airline deregulation
We integrate the upper-echelons perspective with the attention-based view of the firm...
Supplier performance in vertical alliances: The effects of self-enforcing agreements and enforceable contracts
The paper examines the significance of enforceability and adaptability in governing...
Owning the code: Status closure in distributed groups
An ethnographic study of a team of software developers working on a new product across...
Incorporating satisfaction into customer value analysis: Optimal investment in lifetime value
We extend Schmittlein et al. model of customer lifetime value to include satisfaction....
On the profitability of firms in a differentiated industry
In a model of vertical differentiation, the principal concern of this paper is to...
How does objective quality affect perceived quality? Short-term effects, long-term effects, and asymmetries
We examine the relationship between objective and perceived quality for 241 products...
From invention to innovation: Conversion ability in product development
The ability to convert inputs into outputs is a critical determinant of success in...
Forward-looking bidding in online auctions
At Internet auction sites, such as eBay, nearly identical goods are often sold in a...
An extended paradigm for measurement analysis of marketing constructs applicable to panel data
In an effort to advance measurement analysis in marketing research, the authors...
A comparison of criteria to design efficient choice experiments
To date, no attempt has been made to design efficient choice experiments by means of...
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