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Found 17049 papers in total
Air Force Research Laboratory space technology value model: creating capabilities for future customers
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) develops space technologies to provide future...
OPELINT architecture assessment methodology
Senior decision makers find it increasingly difficult to sort out complex trades...
The relationship of weapon cannibalization to weapon system mission capability
In 2001, there was concern by the Military Services and the US Congress about...
The effect of battle circumstances on fitting Lanchester equations to the Battle of Kursk
A dearth of high-quality, detailed battle data has hindered the many efforts to use...
Early operations research in World War One: Viscount Tiverton and the strategic bombing of Germany
This paper provides an original contribution to the pre-history of Operations Research...
A hybrid tabu search/set partitioning approach to tanker crew scheduling
Aerial refueling is a crucial component of modern day military operations. A vital...
Assessing the reliability of a contingency logistics network
The logistics support functions of receiving, transporting and distributing materials...
Modeling military strategic effects with an input–output metamodel
Incorporating strategic effects to assess effects-based operations into a combat...
A view from the FA49 foxhole: Operational research and systems analysis
Chief of Staff of the US Army, General Peter J. Schoomaker has set the Army on course...
Planning and management of change in health systems
The modernization of a health system may require priorities to be defined and the...
Donegan's drive [operational research]
The author, a mechanical and electrical engineer, describes events in an environment...
A combinatorial characterization of higher-dimensional orthogonal packing
Higher-dimensional orthogonal packing problems have a wide range of practical...
A long-range dependent workload model for packet data traffic
We consider a probabilistic model for workload input into a telecommunication system....
The application of contingent valuation method to community-led financing schemes: Evidence from rural Cameroon
A key decision problem facing several programme officers of many donor agencies in...
Optimal policies in a three-sector economy with open unemployment and surplus labor
This article analyzes a three-sector economy with a significant subsistence sector....
Technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of farms in Bangladesh: A stochastic frontier and data envelopment approach
This paper assesses estimates of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of...
Factors affecting technical efficiency among coffee farmers in Côte d'Ivoire: Evidence from the centre west region
This paper presents measures of technical efficiency for a sample of 81 peasant...
Index policies for stochastic search in a forest with an application to R&D project management
This paper concerns a stochastic search problem in a forest. As motivation, consider...
Optimization of workcell layouts in a mixed-model assembly line environment
Mixed-model assembly lines enable automotive manufacturers to build different vehicles...
On customized goods, standard goods, and competition
In this study, we examine firms' incentive to offer customized products in addition to...
Absorptive capacity in high-technology markets: The competitive advantage of the haves
The rapid rate of knowledge obsolescence in many high-technology markets makes it...
Estimating heterogeneous elimination by aspects (EBA) and economic screening rule choice models
Consumer choice in surveys and in the marketplace reflects a complex process of...
Returns on business-to-business relationship marketing investments: Strategies for leveraging profits
Firms invest heavily in different types of business-to-business relationship marketing...
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