Technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of farms in Bangladesh: A stochastic frontier and data envelopment approach

Technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of farms in Bangladesh: A stochastic frontier and data envelopment approach

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Article ID: iaor20071827
Country: United States
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 109
End Page Number: 126
Publication Date: Sep 2003
Journal: The Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: developing countries, statistics: data envelopment analysis

This paper assesses estimates of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of farms using farm-level survey data for rice farmers in Bangladesh. We apply the stochastic efficiency decomposition technique and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Inefficiency effects are modelled as a function of farm-specific human capital variables, irrigation infrastructure and environmental factors. The results from both the approaches show that there is substantial technical, allocative and economic inefficiency in production and that analysis of technical, allocative and economic inefficiency in terms of land fragmentation, irrigation infrastructure and environmental factor are robust. Policies leading to reduction of land fragmentation and improvement of irrigation infrastructure and environmental factors could promote technical, allocative and economic efficiency, reduce yield variability and enhance farm income and household welfare.


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