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Found 17049 papers in total
On the complexity of computing estimates of condition measures of a conic linear system
Condition numbers based on the ‘distance to ill-posedness’ ρ( d ) have...
Unifying condition numbers for linear programming
In recent years, several condition numbers were defined for a variety of linear...
A comparison of the Sherali–Adams, Lovász-Schrijver, and Lasserre relaxations for 0–1 programming
Sherali and Adams, Lovász and Schrijver and, recently, Lasserre have...
Error bound moduli for conic convex systems on Banach spaces
We give two explicit formulas which express the error bound moduli for conic convex...
Characterizations of error bounds for convex multifunctions on Banach spaces
In terms of various derivatives such as contingent derivative and Dini-derivative, we...
Interior gradient and epsilon-subgradient descent methods for constrained convex minimization
We extend epsilon-subgradient descent methods for unconstrained nonsmooth convex...
A nonlinear extension of Hoffman's error bounds for linear inequalities
In a recent paper Li and Singer introduced the notion of global error bound for a...
L:arge deviations of square root insensitive random sums
We provide a large deviation result for a random sum ∑ n=0 N x X n , where...
Synthesis of 2-commodity flow networks
We investigate network design under volatile conditions of link failures and traffic...
An algorithm to identify and compute average optimal policies in multichain Markov decision processes
This paper concerns discrete-time, finite state multichain MDPs with compact action...
On average reward semi-Markov decision processes with a general multichain structure
In this paper we investigate average reward semi-Markov decision processes with a...
On the equivalence of two expected average cost criteria for Semi-Markov control processes
The two expected average costs used in the theory of semi-Markov control processes...
Optimal interventions in countable jump Markov processes
In this paper an intervention refers to an immediate change of the state of the...
Hamiltonian cycles and singularly perturbed Markov chains
We consider the Hamiltonian cycle problem embedded in a singularly perturbed Markov...
Markov decision processes with slow scale periodic decisions
We consider a class of discrete time, dynamic decision-making models which we refer to...
The value iteration algorithm in risk-sensitive average Markov decision chains with finite state space
This work concerns discrete-time Markov decision chains with finite state space and...
On metric generators of graphs
We study generators of metric spaces – sets of points with the property that...
Discounted multiarmed bandit problems on a collection of machines with varying speeds
This paper is the first to consider general multiarmed bandit problems on parallel...
The game of normal numbers
We introduce a two-player game where at each period one player, say, Player 2, chooses...
An escape-time criterion for queueing networks: Asymptotic risk-sensitive control via differential games
We consider the problem of risk-sensitive control of a stochastic network. In...
A note on Kelso and Crawford's gross substitutes condition
In their 1982 article, Kelso and Crawford proposed a gross substitutes condition for...
Some asymptotic results in discounted repeated games of one-sided incomplete information
The paper analyzes the Nash equilibria of two-person discounted repeated games with...
Universality of Nash equilibria
Every real algebraic variety is isomorphic to the set of totally mixed Nash equilibria...
Gender-biased transportation planning in sub-Saharan Africa with special reference to Cameroon
Major factors contributing to transport problems women face include societal...
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