Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A polyhedral approach to the rural postman problem
In this paper we study the polyhedron associated with the Rural Postman Problem (RPP)....
The general multi-retailer EOQ problem with vehicle routing costs
We study the distribution problem of a single commodity from one warehouse to n...
A TSSP + 1 decomposition strategy for the vehicle routing problem
The basic, capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem (VRP) is to determine a set of...
Selection of routes in a flexible manufacturing facility
Routeing flexibility is defined as the ability to manufacture a product via several...
A dynamic service quality cost model with word-of-mouth advertising
A dynamic cost model is developed which describes the evolution of demand for a...
Selection of postharvest technology routes by mixed-integer linear programming
A mixed-integer linear programming model is proposed for the selection of technology...
Constrained gaming approaches to decisionmaking under uncertainty
It is shown that various types of models, including those used by Fishburn to examine...
Multiobjective modelling for regional agricultural planning: Case study in Tunisia
A farm planning model for Agro-Combinat Touila of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, is developed...
DSS for multiobjective project scheduling
The paper presents a decision support system (DSS) for multiobjective project...
Hierarchical constraint satisfaction of multilateral trade matching in commodity auction markets
A commodity auction market provides a trading intermediary whose role is to find...
Topological design of a centralized communication network with unreliable links and node outage costs
In this paper, we present a mathematical formulation of a terminal layout problem in...
Solving a cutting problem based on existing patterns
In this paper, we shall try to solve an industrial problem, namely: how to minimize...
An interactive technique for the cutting stock problem with multiple objectives
This paper deals with the two-dimensional cutting stock problem in which a specified...
A decision analysis model for comparing drilling well completion techniques
Oil and gas companies continually face decisions on the outlay of capital. One such...
Stochastic optimization of the cost of automatic assembly systems
This paper extends a study of Liu and Sanders in which they evaluated the performance...
Multiobjective optimal design of a simplified P4R mechanism
A simplified P4R mechanism, which is believed to be new, is presented. This mechanism...
A study of concurrent decision-making protocols in the design of a metal cutting tool using monotonicity arguments
In this paper, the objective is to study game-theoretic approaches for concurrent...
A direct treatment of distributed loads in the collapse analysis and design of rigid frames
The rigid–plastic analysis and minimum weight design of planar bending frames is...
Shape optimization with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Target error selection strategies
The multi-point approximation method in conjunction with Adaptive Mesh Refinement...
A simplex-based approach to a class of problems associated with truss design
Determination of the cross-sectional areas of the members of a structural truss in...
Minimum-weight design of compressively loaded stiffened panels for postbuckling response
A computationally efficient procedure, NLPANOPT, is developed for the optimal design...
Minimizing maximum completion time in a two-batch-processing-machine flowshop with dynamic arrivals allowed
This paper considers a scheduling problem concerned with a flowshop composed of two...
An algebraic model for the representation of accounting systems
The paper describes an algebraic structure which embodies the essential features of...
Discriminant characteristics of US banks acquired with or without federal assistance
An extensive literature review of statistical studies on merger, acquisition and...
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