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Solution of a tinned iron purchasing problem by Lagrangean relaxation
Dorhout B.
A tin factory obtains its material from steel works. This consists of sheets of tinned...
Application of goal programming in project selection decision – a case study from the Indian coal mining industry
Mukherjee Kampan
This paper includes the solution of a project selection decision applying goal...
Reconsidering the distribution structure of gasoline products for a large oil company
Salomon Marc
In this paper we report on a three week consultancy study that has been carried out...
Service level risk in a pipeline system: A stochastic analysis
Wright Don D.
A risk analysis is presented which assists the facilities planning process in coping...
On the relative efficiency of alternative modes of producing a public sector output: The case of the developmentally disabled
Wilson Paul W.
This paper examines the relative efficiency of alternative methods of producing care...
A new measure of baseball batters using DEA
Sharp Gunter P.
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to create an alternative to traditional...
Air-traffic management – high–low traffic intensity analysis
Velazco E.E.
The Federal Aviation Administration is responsible for administering the Air Traffic...
Airline efficiency differences between Europe and the US: Implications for the pace of EC integration and domestic regulation
Rller Lars-Hendrik
In this paper we examine the performance of the eight largest European and the eight...
Temporal distribution of public transport demand during the peak period
Alfa Attahiru Sule
A deterministic user equilibrium model is presented for predicting the temporal...
Properties of expected costs and performance measures in stochastic models of scheduled transport
Carey Malachy
In scheduled (timetabled) transport systems (for buses, trains, etc.) it is desirable...
Trip frequency scheduling for bus route management in Bangkok
Oudheusden Dirk L. van
The public bus transit system of Bangkok is one of the largest in the world and...
A surrogate heuristic for set covering problems
Lorena Luiz Antonio Nogueira
The purpose of this paper is to present a new heuristic for set covering problems,...
A fuzzy set theoretic approach to qualitative analysis of causal loops in system dynamics
Seth Kiran
The paper presents an alternate method for the qualitative analysis of causal loops in...
Estimation of returns to scale using data envelopment analysis: A comment
Fre Rolf
Banker introduced the idea that the sum of the intensity variables in the DEA...
Decomposing efficiency into its managerial and its regulatory components: The case of European railways
Gathon H.-J.
The purpose of this paper is to decompose traditional measures of productive...
Time depending shortest-path problems with applications to railway networks
Nachtigall K.
In this paper the shortest path problem in a time depending transit network is...
The two-group discriminant problem with equal group mean vectors: An experimental evaluation of six linear/nonlinear programming formulations
Armacost Robert L.
Various parametric and nonparametric approaches to multiple discriminant analysis...
A differential game approach to the dynamic mixed behavior traffic network equilibrium problem
Wie Byung-Wook
The dynamic mixed behavior traffic network equilibrium model is formulated as a...
An integrated model for the development of marginal water sources in the Negev Desert
Mehrez Abraham
This work reports on a mathematical model dealing with the optimal development of...
Water resources planning in the Middle East: Application of the PROMETHEE V multicriteria method
Mareschal Bertrand
Water resources issues in the Middle East are increasingly becoming major complicating...
Water supply operations during drought: A discrete hedging rule
Shih Jhih-Shyang
A mixed integer programming model is constructed for the operation of a single water...
Multiobjective water resources investment planning under budgetary uncertainty and fuzzy environment
Bector C.R.
An integration of Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) and Fuzzy Integer Goal...
On sensitivity analysis for a class of decision systems
Rapcsk T.
The sensitivity analysis of general decision systems originated from the Bridgman...
Inverse inconsistency in Analytic Hierarchies
Donegan H.A.
This paper discusses a fundamental problem in the Analytic Hierarchy Process of T.L....
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