Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A simple algorithm to incorporate transactions costs in quadratic optimisation
Quantitative fund management invariably involves portfolio performance being measured...
On the usefulness of standard industrial classifications in comparative financial statement analysis
It is shown that the comparison of the financial ratios between firms should be done...
Integrated container loading software for pulp and paper industry
In this paper we describe a container loading software package for a pulp and paper...
Optimal recycling of waste materials in a plastic extrusion production process
In a plastic extrusion production process, waste materials are created, reground and...
Direct and inverse solution of the Lanchester square law with general reinforcement schedules
We present direct and inverse solutions of the Lanchester square law attrition...
A robust strategy approach to a strategic mobility problem
In this paper a particular strategic mobility problem, the strategic airlift problem,...
Maximizing the value of a space mission
The problem of selecting and scheduling projects to maximize the scientific, military...
Optimizing the assignment of aircrews to aircraft in an airlift operation
The problems of constructing flight crew schedules, in the military as well as in the...
Reliability of interconnected scheduled services
In this paper we consider the performance of interconnected scheduled transport...
The Water Resource Management System (WREMS): Linking data management and operational optimization
There have been many management science models proposed for optimizing various...
Containing groundwater contamination: Planning models using stochastic programming with recourse
This paper examines the problem of operating pumping wells in order to contain an area...
Aiding DSS users in the use of complex OR models
The under-utilization of decision support systems (DSS) based on complex OR models is...
Integrating OR models for decision making by introducing qualitative knowledge of the problem contexts
While systems seek to be versatile by maintaining a repository of models, most of the...
A framework for retrieval in case-based reasoning systems
A case-based reasoning (CBR) system supports decision makers when solving new decision...
An interdisciplinary approach for exploring the impact of individual characteristics in the context of GSS research
While GSS models view individual member characteristics as explanatory variables,...
Managing operations research models for decision support systems applications in a database environment
In this paper, we address the problem of building decision support systems that make...
Using case based reasoning for basis development in intelligent decision systems
The artificial intelligence technique of case based reasoning is proposed to support...
A comparative study in DSS development
This feature issue (Vol. 79, No. 2) of the European Journal of Operational Research...
‘PLATE’: A decison support system for resource constrained scheduling problems
PLATE is an interactive decision support system for resource constrained scheduling...
A decision support system for the resource constrained project scheduling problem
The paper presents the algorithmic aspects of an interactive decision support system...
Group preference aggregation methods employed in AHP: An evaluation and an intrinsic process for deriving members' weightages
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the popular and powerful techniques for...
The scientific approach to problem solving and decision support systems
This paper discusses some of the critical issues in the study and design of decision...
A parallel algorithm manager for networked workstations
Difficulties in computer solution of large problems often result from the requirements...
A comparison of graphical techniques for decision analysis
Recently, we proposed a new method for representing and solving decision problems...
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