Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A knowledge-based model management system for aircraft survivability analysis
For the survivability analysis of a weapon system, an analyst has to consider and...
Industry simulation: System modelling with an object oriented/DEVS technology
This paper describes results from a research project seeking to develop an object...
Statistical validation of simulation models
Rigorous statistical validation requires that the responses of the model and the real...
Extending the frontiers of Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper provides the formulations for the basic DEA models and the editors'...
Weights restrictions and value judgements in Data Envelopment Analysis: Evolution, development and future decisions
This paper provides a review of the evolution, development and future research...
Restricted best practice selection in DEA: An overview with a case study evaluating the socio-economic performance of nations
We discuss modifications in the concept of efficiency that occur in Data Envelopment...
Comparative advantage and disadvantage in DEA
In this paper, we define comparative advantage and disadvantage within the framework...
Model misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis
The use of Data Envelopment Analysis for estimating comparative efficiency has become...
Derivation of the Maximin Efficiency Ratio model from the maximum decisional efficiency principle
The Maximin Efficiency Ratio (MER) model was originally proposed as a common weights...
Parallel and hierarchical decomposition approaches for solving large-scale Data Envelopment Analysis models
Accompanying the increasing popularity of DEA are computationally challenging...
Enhancing graphical simulation output using cluster analysis
Recent work performed for the Federal Aviation Administration to support the...
A bibliography for Data Envelopment Analysis (1978–1996)
Since the original Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) study by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes...
Monitoring for hazard in flight management systems
This paper discusses the theoretical basis and practical architecture for a real-time...
Components of efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis
This paper examines three essential components which make up efficiency evaluation in...
The design of a 0–1 integer optimizer and its application in the Carmen system
We describe the design of an optimizer for 0–1 integer programming aimed at...
Non-parametric efficiency, progress and regress measures for panel data: Methodological aspects
This purely methodological paper deals with the role of time in non-parametric...
Measuring technical progress with data envelopment analysis
The purpose of this study is to develop a nonparametric method for measuring...
A discussion of testing decision making units' returns to scale
The issue of using Banker's most productive scale size (mpss) concept to characterize...
Method for evaluating the strength of retarding steps on a marshalling yard hump
The steadying of wagon movement down a hump is the focus of permanent interest of...
Data envelopment analysis: Visualizing the results
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a useful technique for assessing the relative...
A case study in empty railcar distribution
Empty railcar distribution problems are considered to be at the very heart of freight...
High interaction graphics
Examining data using graphical tools, such as histograms, quantile plots, scatterplots...
Optimal routing in a transportation network
This paper investigates a routing problem in a public transportation network, more...
A Data Envelopment Analysis approach to Discriminant Analysis
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) are similar in that...
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