Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Difference of convex functions optimization algorithms (DCAs) for globally minimizing nonconvex quadratic forms on Euclidean balls and spheres
We present difference of convex functions optimization algorithms (DCA) for globally...
A structured model to manage a large number of transactions
The aim of this paper is to design a model for managing the daily transactions for one...
The two-period travelling salesman problem applied to milk collection in Ireland
We describe a new extension to the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (STSP) in...
Evaluating bank branch location and performance: A case study
This paper presents a model developed for a Greek bank to assist its management in...
A worst-case analysis of two approximate algorithms for the asymmetric travelling salesman problem
Two algorithms are presented for the asymmetric travelling salesman problem. The worst...
Transformation of multidepot multisalesmen problem to the standard travelling salesman problem
One type of multidepot multisalesmen problem can be transformed into a standard...
A classification of formulations for the (time-dependent) traveling salesman problem
The time-dependent traveling salesman problem (TDTSP) is a generalization of the...
A new extension of local search applied to the Dial-A-Ride Problem
In this paper we propose a cheap yet effective extension to the traditional local...
A bound for the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem through matroid formulation
A new bound for the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem is proposed, using a matroid...
A note on the complexity of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
One of the most efficient approaches known for finding an optimal tour of the...
Stochastic choice hazard and incentives in a common service facility
This paper examines the pricing and incentives in an M/G/1 queue. A setting...
Interactions between operational research and environmental management
Economic growth is frequently considered to be in conflict with sustainable...
How difficult is the frequency selection problem?
Frequency domain methodology has been applied to discrete-event simulations to...
Decentralization of responsibility for site decontamination projects: A budget allocation approach
A major problem currently confronting central governments is how to optimally allocate...
Goal programming and data envelopment analysis for target-based multi-level planning: Allocating central grants to the Greek local authorities
In this paper we develop an interface between goal programming and data envelopment...
Verification and validation of simulation models
This paper surveys verification and validation of models, especially simulation models...
Planning and performance in State-Owned Enterprises: A multidimensional assessment
The present paper investigates the relationship between planning and performance in...
Simulating health systems: Modelling problems and software solutions
Discrete event simulation is well suited to modelling health systems, providing...
Assessing police forces in England and Wales using Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper reports on an assessment of police forces in England and Wales using Data...
Simultaneous determination of the cutting speed and lot size values in machining systems
This paper presents an iterative procedure for the simultaneous determination of the...
NICHER: An approach to identifying defensible product positions
The concept of defensible product positioning is developed from the special case of...
Theoretical models of sales promotions – contributions, limitations, and a future-research agenda
Our objective in this paper is to review theoretical models of sales promotions. We...
Optimal design of syndicated panels: A mathematical programming approach
A new design concept for syndicated panels is proposed which explicitly handles...
AMOS – A probability-driven, customer-oriented decision support system for target marketing of solo mailings
We describe a state-of-the-art, probabilistic-based system, nicknamed AMOS, to support...
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