Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A heuristic for the Steiner problem in graphs
In this paper, we present a heuristic for the Steiner problem in graphs along with...
A complementarity approach to a quasistatic multi-rigid-body contact problem
In this paper, we study the problem of predicting the quasistatic planar motion of a...
Optimal and approximate bottleneck Steiner trees
Given a set of terminals in the plane, a bottleneck Steiner tree is a tree...
The effects of decision support and task contingencies on model formulation: A cognitive perspective
This paper takes a cognitive cost–benefit approach to understanding model...
A combinatorial column generation algorithm for the maximum stable set problem
In this paper, we derive lower bounds on the size of a minimum cover of a graph G by...
The strategic value of flexibility in sequential decision making
This paper formalizes the notion of flexibility in sequential decision making and...
An interactive-graphic environment for automatic generation of decision trees
In this paper, a computerized assistant for the construction of decision trees is...
A fuzzy set model for market share and preference prediction
This paper presents a new method of modelling preferences using fuzzy sets. A fuzzy...
A new aggregation–disaggregation algorithm
This paper proposes a new algorithm for solving the Kolmogoroff equations for large...
The impact and benefits of a DSS: The case of FleetManager
A decision support system used for vehicle routing at the Westland Co-operative Dairy...
On linear inequality systems without strongly redundant constraints
For an ( m × n )-matrix A the set C ( A ) is studied containing the constraint...
Preference programming through approximate ratio comparisons
In the context of hierarchical weighting, this paper operationalizes interval...
The approximability behaviour of some combinatorial problems with respect to the approximability of a class of maximum independent set problems
We prove that the existence of a polynomial time ρ-approximation algorithm (where...
Proper efficiency and cardinal utilities in multicriteria decision making
The concept of proper efficiency has been characterized in several ways in the...
Annealing algorithms for multisource absolute location problems on graph
A methodology is presented for applying annealing techniques to multisource absolute...
An information-theoretic 2-stage, 2-decision rule, choice model
Recent articles in choice modeling advocate two-stage decision processes in which the...
A constrained Steiner tree problem
The Steiner tree problem on a graph involves finding a minimum cost tree which...
A hypergraph framework for optimal model-based decomposition of design problems
Decomposition of large engineering system models is desirable since increased model...
On a new class of Bilevel Programming Problems and its use for reformulating Mixed Integer Problems
We extend some known results about the Bilevel Linear Problem (BLP), a hierarchical...
Warehouse–retailer system with stochastic demands–non – identical retailer case
We consider a warehouse–retailer system where both the warehouse and the...
A smooth penalty function algorithm for network-structured problems
We discuss the design and implementation of an algorithm for the solution of large...
The hub location and routing problem
In this paper, we consider the hub location and routing problem in which the hub...
Asynchronous gradient algorithms for a class of convex separable network flow problems
We consider the single commodity strictly convex network flow problem. The dual of...
A parametric maximum flow algorithm for bipartite graphs with applications
Suppose we are given a capacitated bipartite network G with node sets S and T . In...
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