Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Exact solutions for constrained two-dimensional cutting problems
The constrained two-dimensional cutting problem is concerned with the way a set of...
An infeasible point method for minimizing the Lennard–Jones potential
Minimizing the Lennard–Jones potential, the most-studied model problem for...
Improved heuristics for sequencing cutting patterns
Heuristics have been suggested as a means to sequence cutting patterns. Further...
A theorem on nonconvex functions and its application to vector optimization
A basic result of convex analysis is the Fundamental Theorem on Convex Functions. We...
Measuring macroeconomic performance in the OECD: A comparison of European and non-European countries
We study the macroeconomic performance of 19 OECD countries over the period...
The canonical order and greedy algorithms
Using the isotone property with respect to the canonical order, we describe a class of...
A nonlinear Knapsack problem
The nonlinear Knapsack problem is to maximize a separable concave objective function,...
Special cases of the quadratic assignment problem
This paper presents a result of transforming a class of non-convex programs into...
Ratio combinatorial programs
We consider here a combinatorial optimization problem where the objective function is...
Column generation applied to linear programs in course registration
The subject of this paper is the application of column generation for solving large...
Planning of high school examinations in Denmark
This paper presents a computer based support system used to plan high school...
A scalable parallel interior point algorithm for stochastic linear programming and robust optimization
We present a computationally efficient implementation of an interior point algorithm...
A linear-approximation method for solving a special-class of the chance-constrained programming problem
This article presents a technique which seeks the optimum (or near optimum) solution...
A multiobjective optimization approach to thermal generating units maintenance scheduling
This paper presents a new approach to preventive maintenance scheduling of thermal...
Solving stochastic programming problems via Kalman filter and affine scaling
Kalman filtering theory has been around for more than two decades and has been the...
A new approach to stochastic programming problems: Discrete model
A new heuristic approach for Stochastic Programming Problems (SPP) is presented. Here...
An application of a multi-objective programming technique to construction accuracy control of cable-stayed bridges
Cable-stayed bridges are gaining much popularity in Japan due to their beautiful...
A Gaussian upper bound for Gaussian multi-stage stochastic linear programs
This paper deals with two-stage and multi-stage stochastic programs in which the...
A new algorithm for solving the general quadratic programming problem
For the general quadratic programming problem (including an equivalent form of the...
An algorithm to determine boundedness of quadratically constrained convex quadratic programs
In this paper we present an algorithm which can be used to determine whether or not a...
A successive quadratic programming method that uses new corrections for search directions
In this paper, a successive quadratic programming method for solving general nonlinear...
The impact of information timeliness on the predictability of stock and futures returns – an application of vector models
The objective of this study is to measure the influence of the freshness of...
QPCOMP: A quadratic programming based solver for mixed complementarity problems
QPCOMP is an extemely robust algorithm for solving mixed nonlinear complementarity...
A stochastic programming model for money management
Portfolio managers in the new fixed-income securities have to cope with various forms...
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