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A representation of an efficiency equivalent polyhedron for the objective set of a multiple-objective linear program
Saleh O.A.
Associated with the objective set Y of a linear k -objective minimization problem is...
A fuzzy satisficing method for large-scale linear-programming problems with block angular structure
Inuiguchi M.
In this paper, we focus on large-scale linear programming problems with block angular...
The linear complementarity problem with a parametric input
Xiao B.C.
The linear complementarity problem (LCP) and its importance is well known. Over the...
Solving a bilevel linear program when the inner decision maker controls few variables
Liu Yi-Hsin
This paper presents an algorithm that always finds an optimum of a Bilevel Linear...
The inverse-parametric knapsack problem
Burkard Rainer E.
This paper deals with parametric knapsack problems where the costs or weights are...
Period and phase of customer replenishment – A new approach to the strategic inventory/routing problem
Larson R.C.
The delivery of inventory to customers involves the use of vehicles for which purchase...
Automatic decrease of the penalty parameter in exact penalty function methods
Sartenaer Annick
This paper presents an analysis of the involvement of the penalty parameter in exact...
A result on projection for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Gouveia Luis
In this paper we present a result on projection for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)....
Optimal location of routes for vehicles transporting hazardous materials
Boffey T.B.
This paper deals with the selection of optimal routes for the transportation of...
Calculating some inverse linear programming problems
Zhang Jianzhong
In this paper we consider some inverse LP problems in which we need to adjust the cost...
Improvement heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem based on simulated annealing
Breedam Alex Van
This paper reports on the use of simulated annealing-based improvement methods for the...
Distribution of gas cylinders
Rapcsk T.
A software package was developed in Microsoft Windows 3.1 environment to solve the...
Inverse barriers and CES-functions in linear programming
Terlaky T.
Recently, much attention was paid to polynomial interior point methods, almost...
A characterization of an n by 2n ‘Q0’-matrix
Foul Abdelaziz
The class of matrices Q 0 , characterized as all n by n matrices M , for which the...
Resolution of the problem of degeneracy in a primal and dual simplex algorithm
Paparrizos Konstantinos
We resolve the problem of degeneracy in a recently developed primal–dual simplex...
A maximin procedure for the optimal insertion timing of ad executions
Hall Nicholas G.
It has been recommended that dominant brands should not suffer from long periods with...
A pulsing model of advertising competition: A game theoretic approach, part A – Theoretical foundation
Mesak Hani I.
In this paper and its sequel, we present a theoretical model supported by both...
On the convergence rate of Newton interior-point methods in the absence of strict complementarity
El-Bakry A.S.
In the absence of strict complementarity, Monteiro and Wright proved that the...
A pulsing model of advertising competition: A game theoretic approach, part B – Empirical application and findings
Mesak Hani I.
In part A of this study, we have theoretically established the assertion that the...
Some thoughts on combinatorial optimisation
Malucelli Federico
A group of young researchers from the ESI X summer school, HEC, Jouy-en-Josas 1994,...
Multiobjective optimization of table olive preparation systems
Kopsidas Gerassimos C.
A nonconvex multiobjective optimization problem for basic process design of a typical...
Heuristics for biquadratic assignment problems and their computational comparison
Burkard Rainer E.
The biquadratic assignment problem (BiQAP) is a generalization of the quadratic...
Aggregate planning and scheduling in the food industry: A case study
Tadei R.
In this work we introduce a production scheduling problem encountered in COMPAL S.A.,...
Lower bounds for the quadratic semi-assignment problem
Malucelli Federico
This paper presents a class of lower bounds for the Quadratic Semi-Assignment Problem...
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