Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Coupling the auxiliary problem principle with descent methods of pseudoconvex programming
The descent auxiliary problem method allows one to find the solution of minimization...
A parallel algorithm for multiple objective linear programs
This paper presents an ADBASE-based parallel algorithm for solving multiple objective...
Use of reference points for solving multiple objective nonlinear programming problems
The paper discusses a scalar problem that uses a reference point for solving the...
A direct approach for finding all efficient solutions for multiobjective programming problems
In this paper, we present a new approach for finding all efficient solutions for...
A cooperative fuzzy game theoretic approach to multiple objective design optimization
The utility and applicability of cooperative game theory in an engineering design...
Duality with multiple criteria and multiple resources
We consider an extension of a linear model studied by Gale, Kuhn and Tucker (GKT) for...
A subtree-partitioning algorithm for inducing parallelism in network simplex dual updates
This paper reports on the development of a very efficient method for partitioning the...
A class of smoothing functions for nonlinear and mixed complementarity problems
We propose a class of parametric smooth functions that approximate the fundamental...
An intelligent interactive Project Management Support System
The paper presents a general framework for developing complex systems for tasks like...
On the resolution of monotone complementarity problems
A reformulation of the nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) as an unconstrained...
Numerical experiments in semi-infinite programming
A quasi-Newton algorithm for semi-infinite programming using an L ∞ exact...
A comparison of large scale mixed complementarity problem solvers
This paper provides a means for comparing various computer codes for solving large...
The modified integer round-up property of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem
A linear integer minimization problem (IP) has the modified integer round-up property...
Impact of partial separability on large-scale optimization
ELSO is an environment for the solution of large-scale optimization problems. With...
CUTGEN1: A problem generator for the Standard One-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem
In this paper a problem generator for the Standard One-dimensional Cutting Stock...
An LP-based approach to a two-stage cutting stock problem
This paper describes a linear programming model for a two-stage cutting stock problem...
Numerical experiences with new truncated Newton methods in large scale unconstrained optimization
Recently, a very general class of truncated Newton methods has been proposed for...
Establishing the optimality of sequencing heuristics for cutting stock problems
Cutting stock problems typically involve the generation of feasible cutting patterns...
Sequential quadratic programming methods for large-scale problems
Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods are the method of choice when solving...
An AND/OR-graph approach to the solution of two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting problems
This work is concerned with unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting...
Global convergence analysis of a new nonmonotone BFGS algorithm on convex objective functions
In this paper, a new nonmonotone Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno...
An approximation algorithm for solving unconstrained two-dimensional knapsack problems
An efficient heuristic for solving two-dimensional knapsack problems is proposed. The...
Metric-based symmetric rank-one updates
Metric-based symmetric rank-one (SR1) updates which are stabilized by a variational...
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