Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Pricing, routing, and incentive compatibility in multiserver queues
This paper studies pricing and incentive issues in the assignment of customers to...
Cost of congestion, operational efficiency and management accounting
In this paper, we examine the conflicts that arise when multiple users share a common...
Optimizing steady state Markov chains by state reduction
Many service systems have a parameter which can be changed continuously within a...
Minimizing the makespan in the two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with an availability constraint
This paper studies a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with an availability...
Operations management of multiple machine automatic warehousing systems
Most operations management studies of automatic warehousing systems investigate...
On the estimation of optimal batch sizes in the analysis of simulation output
The estimation of the variance of point estimators is a classical problem of...
Optimization and sensitivity analysis of computer simulation models by the score function method
This paper surveys some recent results on the score function (SF) method. This method...
Some notes on the time-variant Lyapunov theory
The well-known Lyapunov theory is extended to time variant discrete systems when the...
Approximation-assisted point estimation
We investigate three alternatives for combining a deterministic approximation with a...
Routing helicopters for crew exchanges on off-shore locations
This paper deals with a vehicle routing problem with split demands, namely the problem...
Stochastic vehicle routing
The purpose of this review article is to provide a summary of the scientific...
The team orienteering problem
In the team orienteering problem, start and end points are specified along with other...
A fast and effective heuristic for the orienteering problem
In the orienteering problem, start and end points are specified along with other...
A heuristic algorithm for the Asymmetric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
We consider the Asymmetric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (ACVRP), a particular...
A note on returns to scale in DEA
This brief note adds computational convenience and efficiency to the article by Banker...
Towards an optimal model of food nutrition structure relating to production development for the region of the middle–lower reach of the Yangtze in China
In this paper, the present situation of the food production, resource structure, food...
Equivalence and implementation of alternative methods for determining returns to scale in data envelopment analysis
This paper discusses alternative methods for determining returns to scale in DEA. The...
Efficiency bounds in Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper considers a proposal, by Chang and Guh, that the non-archimedean...
Fuzzy production planning model for fresh tomato packing
A fuzzy mathematical program is formed when the strict requirements within a...
Frequency assignment in cellular phone networks
We present a graph-theoretic model for the frequency assignment problem in cellular...
Heuristics for efficient classification
The classification problem is to determine the class of an object when it is costly to...
A two-layer queueing model to predict performance of packet transfer in broadband networks
In this paper, we propose an approximate analytical method to predict the performance...
A genetic algorithm for discriminant analysis
In this paper we propose a genetic algorithm for discriminant analysis. The genetic...
An aggregation technique to evaluate the performance of a two-stage buffered ATM switch
This paper illustrates an approximate method to evaluate the cell loss probability of...
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