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Exact and asymptotic solutions for models of new telecommunication services
Choudhury Gagan L.
A new product-form, finite capacity network model is described for the blocking...
Stock cutting to minimize cutting length
Chandrasekaran R.
In this paper we investigate the following problem: Given two convex shapes P in and P...
An appointment-based service center with guaranteed service
Dada Maqbool
Customers are scheduled to arrive at periodic scheduling intervals to receive service...
Economical and ecological utility oriented analysis of the process of anaerobic digestion of waste waters
Pavlov Yu.
A problem which has been constantly emphasized is the creation of criteria adequate to...
A Stochastic Dynamic Programming model for scheduling of offshore petroleum fields with resource uncertainty
Haugen Kjetil K.
Norwegian deliveries of natural gas to Europe have grown considerably over the last...
Piecewise affine approximations for the control of a one-reservoir hydroelectric system
Lamond Bernard F.
We analyze the computation of optimal and approximately optimal policies for a...
Planning of fuel coal imports using a mixed integer programming method
Shih Li-Hsing
In the public utility and commercial fuel industries, commodities from multiple supply...
Part selection and tool allocation in discrete parts manufacturing
Malik Kavindra
A recurrent problem in discrete parts manufacturing is to select the optimal mix of...
Integrating arbitrage pricing theory and artificial neural networks to support portfolio management
Liang Ting-Peng
The paper presents an innovative approach that integrates the arbitrage pricing theory...
On the impact of infrequent trading on the APT systematic risk components – evidence from a thin security market
Yli-Olli Paavo
The purpose of this note is to analyze the effects to infrequent trading on the APT...
Determination of the portfolio selection for a property-liability insurance company
Li Susan X.
This paper presents an analysis of a portfolio model which can be used to assist a...
Choosing regulatory options when environmental costs are uncertain
Gottinger Hans W.
An optimal regulatory regime is explored in which regulating a non-degradable...
Blocking policies in pharmaceutical transfer lines
Altiok Tayfur
In this study, we present cases from the pharmaceutical industry involving buffers and...
Modelling resource availability in general hospitals, design and implementation of a decision support model
Kusters Rob J.
Admission planning in general hospitals means selecting elective patients from a...
Scheduling crackdowns on illicit drug markets
Batta Rajan
This paper presents an analytical approach for scheduling crackdowns on street-corner...
Optimization of high-mix printed circuit card assembly using genetic algorithms
Dikos Aristides
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the factors affecting the cycle...
Manufacturing lead times, system utilization rates and lead-time-related demand
Weng Z. Kevin
This paper presents a model to study manufacturing lead time planning problems for...
Production planning and scheduling for injection moulding of pipe fittings: A case study
Vrat Prem
The present study considers the development of a production planning and scheduling...
State realization with exogenous variables – a test on blast furnace data
stermark Ralf
In this study we present some preliminary evidence on state space modelling of the hot...
Mathematical models in airline schedule planning: A survey
Gopalan Ram
The schedule is an airline's primary product, having the most influence (along with...
Robustly efficient parametric frontiers via Multiplicative DEA for domestic and international operations of the Latin American airline industry
Li Hongyu
Previous studies of (parametric) aggregate frontiers have attempted to capture...
Strategic planning of transportation services for petroleum products – an application of capacitated gravity models
Smith L. Douglas
Strategic planning of physical facilities and pricing of services for the distribution...
An application of genetic and tabu searches to the freight railroad operating plan problem
Gorman Michael Francis
This paper addresses the joint train-scheduling and demand-flow problem for a major US...
A conceptual model for virtual markets
Wang Huaiqing
Virtual Markets on the Information Superhighway (VMIS) have provided and will provide...
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