Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
VARMAX-modelling of blast furnace process variables
In this study we present some preliminary evidence on Vector Autoregressive Moving...
Applying the flow-capturing location-allocation model to an authentic network: Edmonton, Canada
Traditional location-allocation models aim to locate network facilities to optimally...
Value-focused thinking: Identifying decision opportunities and creating alternatives
Conventional approaches to decisionmaking focus on alternatives. However, alternatives...
Tactical design of rail freight networks. Part I: Exact and heuristic methods
The tactical planning of rail freight networks is studied with the help of non-convex...
New Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence approaches to traffic engineering problems
The purpose of this paper is to review some of the main Operations Research (OR) and...
Linear programming model for finding optimal roadway grades that minimize earthwork cost
The cost of earthwork involved in road construction can vary widely based on the...
Parametric distance functions vs. nonparametric neural networks for estimating road travel distances
Measuring and storing actual road travel distances between the points of a region is...
Traditional heuristic versus Hopfield neural network approaches to a car sequencing problem
This paper considers the problem of optimally sequencing different car models along an...
Polling on a space with general arrival and service time distribution
We consider a polling system on a space with general independent arrival, service and...
Finding robust solutions for product design problems
A mathematical description is given of robust solutions in the context of a product...
Limits and approximations for the M/G/1 LIFO waiting-time distribution
We provide additional descriptions of the steady-state waiting-time distribution in...
On pathwise analysis and existence of empirical distributions for G/G/1 queues
In this paper we study the existence of empirical distributions of G/G/1 queues via a...
Multivariate regression metamodel: A DSS application in industry
A materials handling system simulation (written using GPSS/H) was developed to predict...
Asymptotic normality of discounted random series with applications in reliability and queueing
It is proved that a certain kind of randomly discounted random sums is asymptotically...
IT process designs for improving information quality and reducing exception handling: A simulation experiment
Exceptions are cases that cannot be handled adequately in automated information...
A note on center problems with forbidden polyhedra
The problem of finding an optimal location X * minimizing the maximum Euclidean...
Sufficient conditions for coincidence in 𝓁1-minisum multifacility location problems
We consider the problem of finding the optimal way of locating a finite number of...
Expenditure patterns and timing of patent protection in a competitive R&D environment
In this paper we consider a stochastic R&D decision model for a single firm...
Dynamic lot sizing with random demand and non-stationary costs
We describe a formulation of the dynamic lot sizing problem when demand is random and...
On the probability distribution of total quality under sublot inspection and process restoration
A lot of N items is produced on a randomly degrading facility. The lot is split into...
A polynomial-time approximation scheme for maximizing the minimum machine completion time
We consider the problem of assigning a set of n jobs to a system of m identical...
Minimizing the total completion time in a unit-time open shop with release times
We consider the problem of minimizing the total completion time in a unit-time open...
Interactive graphical computer application for large-scale cattle feed distribution management
In this paper we describe the development of a visual computer-based interactive...
An intelligent modeling system for generalized network flow problems: With application to planning for multinational firms
This paper presents a discussion of the Generalized Network System (GNS), a system...
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