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An efficient optimal solution procedure for the preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Herroelen Willy S.
In this paper a branch-and-bound procedure is described for scheduling project...
A new and efficient heuristic for scheduling projects with resource restrictions and multiple execution modes
Boctor Fayez F.
This paper presents a heuristic procedure for solving non-preemptive...
A framework for an interactive project scheduling system under limited resources
zdamar Linet
In this paper, we propose a framework for an interactive project scheduling system...
An exchange heuristic imbedded with simulated annealing for due-dates job-shop scheduling
Yang Taeyong
The generalized job shop scheduling problem with due dates is considered. Herein the...
V-shape property for job sequences that minimize the expected completion time variance
Cai Xiaoqiang
We consider the problem of sequencing n jobs with random processing times on a single...
Search heuristics for a flowshop scheduling problem in a printed circuit board assembly process
Kim Yeong-Dae
We consider a scheduling problem in a factory producing printed circuit boards (PCBs)....
Variants of the Two Machine Flow Shop Problem connected with factorization of matrix functions
Bart H.
In this paper we consider a number of variants of the Two Machine Flow Shop Problem....
A fast tabu search algorithm for the permutation flow-shop problem
Nowicki Eugeniusz
A fast and easily implementable approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a...
Sevast'yanov's algorithm for the flow-shop scheduling problem
Loureno Helena Ramalhinho
We consider the flow-shop scheduling problem. The objective is to schedule the jobs on...
Single-machine scheduling with time windows and earliness/tardiness penalties
Koulamas Christos
We study the single machine earliness/tardiness problem with arbitrary time windows...
Solution of the generalized Townsend single machine scheduling model
Szwarc Wlodzimierz
The paper deals with the generalized version of Townsend's n -job single machine...
A forward branch-and-search algorithm and forecast horizon results for the changeover scheduling problem
Chand Suresh
This paper considers the problem of minimizing the total schedule changeover cost when...
The complexity of a cyclic scheduling problem with identical machines and precedence constraints
Munier A.
We consider a set T of tasks with unit processing times. Each of them must be executed...
A fuzzy-linguistic approach to a multi-criteria sequencing problem
Pappis Costas P.
In this paper, a fuzzy approach to a single machine scheduling problem is considered....
The job shop scheduling problem: Conventional and new solution techniques
Pesch Erwin
A job shop consists of a set of different machines (like lathes, milling machines,...
The generalized Shifting Bottleneck Procedure
Ramudhin Amar
We generalize the Shifting Bottleneck Procedure (SBP), proposed by Adams et al . in...
Scheduling and common due date assignment with earliness–tardiness penalties and batch delivery costs
Chen Zhi-Long
We consider a single machine scheduling problem involving both the scheduling of job...
A simulated annealing approach for the one-machine mean tardiness scheduling problem
Ben-Daya M.
In this paper we propose a simulated annealing approach for solving the single machine...
Determination of common due window location in a single machine scheduling problem
Liman Surya D.
We consider the static deterministic single machine scheduling problem in which all...
Scheduling arrivals to a production system in a fuzzy environment
King Russell E.
A frequently encountered scheduling problem is to determine a material and job ready...
Fuzzy logic concepts applied to machine–component matrix formation in cellular manufacturing
Bector C.R.
Conventional cell formation procedures assume that each part feature is developed on a...
A neural network model for scheduling problems
Sabuncuoglu Ihsan
Artificial neural networks have been successfully applied to solve a variety of...
An algorithm for the quickest path problem
Martins Ernesto de Queirs Vieira
The quickest path problem arises when transmitting a given amount of data between two...
Mathematical models of service
Rust Roland T.
As service has become the predominant part of all advanced economies, increasing...
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