Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Fixing variables and generating classical cutting planes when using an interior point branch and cut method to solve integer programming problems
Branch and cut methods for integer programming problems solve a sequence of linear...
On a pattern sequencing problem to minimize the maximum number of open stacks
Consider a wood cutting setting where different panels have to be cut from large...
Designing paced assembly lines with fixed number of stations
This paper addresses the issue of allocating tasks among workstations in assembly...
Tool planning models for flexible manufacturing systems
Although the tool loading problem for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) has been...
The topological structure of maximal lattice free convex bodies: The general case
Given a generic m × n matrix A , the simplicial complex 𝒦( A ) is defined...
Rounding algorithms for covering problems
In the last 25 years approximation algorithms for discrete optimization problems have...
Max Horn Satisfiability and the minimum cut problem in directed hypergraphs
In this paper we consider the Maximum Horn Satisfiability problem, which is reduced to...
Creative modeling: Variable and constraint duplication in primal–dual decomposition methods
In this paper, we discuss modeling with the specific purpose of solving the models...
Linear programs for constraint satisfaction problems
A novel representation is described that models some important NP-hard problems, such...
On the complexity of linear programming under finite precision arithmetic
In this paper we study the complexity of solving linear programs in finite precision...
Dynamic lot-sizing with setup cost reduction
One of the fundamental tenets of the Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing philosophy is...
Partitioning mathematical programs for parallel solution
This paper describes heuristics for partitioning a general M × N matrix into...
A modified Dempster–Shafer theory for multicriteria optimization
A new methodology, based on a modified Dempster–Shafer (DS) theory, is proposed...
A simulation-based evaluation of the approximate and the exact eigenvector methods employed in the analytic hierarchy process
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a popular multi-criteria decision making...
Multicriteria decision analysis and environmental economics: An approximation
A multicriteria approach to address basic problems in environmental economics is...
The sensitivity of the analytic hierarchy process to alternative scale and cue presentations
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has gained prominence in the accounting...
Group preference aggregation in the multiplicative analytic hierarchy process: The model of the group decision process and Pareto optimality
A recent paper has focused awareness on group aggregation procedures in the AHP,...
A probabilistic interpretation of the final rankings in the analytic hierarchy process
The Analytic Hierarchy Process has become a popular and practical tool for dealing...
An action learning evaluation procedure for multiple criteria decision making problems
In this paper we focus on an extension of the Analytic Hierarchy Process that...
An intrinsic consistency threshold for reciprocal matrices
In this paper we present a new, intrinsic and scale independent consistency threshold...
Preference programming and inconsistent interval judgments
The problem of derivation of the weights of alternatives from pairwise comparison...
Fuzzy programming for multiobjective 0–1 programming problems through revised genetic algorithms
Recently, genetic algorithms (GAs), a new learning paradigm that models a natural...
Project scheduling under resource and mode identity constraints: Model, complexity, methods, and application
A recurring problem in project management involves the allocation of scarce resources...
Connectedness of efficient solutions in multiple criteria combinatorial optimization
In multiple criteria optimization an important research topic is the topological...
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