Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Integrating the analytic hierarchy process and graph theory to model facilities layout
There is a trend in the research of facilities planning away from single-objective...
Preference modelling by estimating local utility functions for multiobjective optimization
This paper is intended to design goal programming models for capturing the decision...
Establishing strict dominance between alternatives with special type of incomplete information
A special model for establishing dominance with decision maker's incomplete...
A method for selecting a subset of alternatives for future decision making
In this paper we present algorithm for finding a subset from a large number of...
Capturing decision maker preference: Experimental comparison of decision analysis and MCDM techniques
This paper describes the results of a laboratory study which investigates preference...
A general model for deriving preference structures from data
In this paper we comment upon the integrated model for valued preferences introduced...
An overview on ‘The European school of MCDA: Emergence, basic features and current works’
This tutorial is based on a paper whose full version can be found in Roy and...
Multicriteria decision analysis: Some thoughts based on the tutorial and discussion sessions of the ESIGMA meetings
This paper seeks to offer an overview of the streams of thought in the field of...
Evaluating alternative production cycles using the extended fuzzy AHP method
Production technicians can generally choose any one of a number of alternatives for...
Probabilistic, fuzzy and rough concepts in social choice
We discuss how intrinsic inconsistencies and negative results (concerning opinion...
After the fuzzy wave reached Europe
We briefly describe the situation of the fuzzy community in Europe before the fuzzy...
Restricted attention, myopic play, and the learning of equilibrium
We consider repeated play of noncooperative games in which agents have more decisions...
New mathematical properties of the Banzhaf value
A new axiomatic characterization of the Banzhaf value for a cooperative n -person game...
Aircrew schedule generation using repeated matching
We consider the Aircrew Scheduling Problem of determining tours of duty (TODs) for...
On the concavity of delivery games
Delivery games, introduced by Hamers, Borm, van de Leensel and Tijs in 1994, are...
Spatial organization of an industrial area: Distribution of the environmental cost and equity policies
In this paper we introduce a methodology for a spatial organization of an Industrial...
On the connectedness of optimum-degeneracy graphs
So-called optimum-degeneracy graphs describe the structure of the set of primal and...
Random generation of tournaments and asymmetric graphs with given out-degrees
In this paper, we first present a polynomial algorithm which computes a random...
Minimizing the schedule length for a parallel 3D-grid precedence graph
We consider in this paper an extension of the complexity analysis of parallel...
A generalization of König–Egervary graphs and heuristics for the maximum independent set problem with improved approximation ratios
We first study a generalization of the König–Egervary graphs, the class of...
A note on hashing functions and tabu search algorithms
Woodruff and Zemel present four effective functions that can be used for hashing...
A Markov chain analysis of genetic algorithms with power of 2 cardinality alphabets
In this paper we model the run time behaviour of GAs using higher cardinality...
Simple Lagrangian heuristic for the set covering problem
In this paper a simple Lagrangian heuristic is proposed for the set covering problem....
Optimal production cycles, procurement schedules, and joint investment in an imperfect production system
In this paper, we consider the simultaneous determination of production cycles for the...
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